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Voltage          =  V             Volts
Capacitance      =  C             Farads
Total energy     =  E  =  ½ C V2  Joules
Effective        =  Ee =  ¼ C V2  Joules
Not all of the energy in a capacitor is harnessable because the voltage diminishes as the charge diminishes, hence the effective energy is less than the total energy.
A   =  Plate area
Z   =  Plate spacing
Ke  =  Electric force constant  =  8.9876e9 N m2 / C2
Q   =  Max charge on the plate     (Coulombs)
Emax=  Max electric field       =  4 Pi Ke Q / A
V   =  Voltage between plates   =  E Z     =  4 Pi Ke Q Z / A
En  =  Energy                   =  .5 Q V  =  .5 A Z E2 / (4 π Ke)
e   =  Energy/Volume            =  E / A Z =  .5 E2 / (4 π Ke)
q   =  Charge/Volume            =  Q / A / Z
C   =  Capacitance              =  Q/V     =  (4 Pi Ke)-1 A/Z   (Farads)
c   =  Capacitance/Volume       =  C / A / Z =  (4 Pi Ke)-1 Emax2 / V2
Eair=  Max electric field in air=  3 MVolt/meter
k   =  Dielectric factor        =  Emax / Eair

Continuum                                                 Macroscopic

Energy/Volume  =  .5 E2  / (4 Pi Ke)           <->        Energy = .5 C V2
               =  .5 q V                                         =  .5 Q V
c              =  (4 Pi Ke)-1 Emax2  / V2      <->        C      = (4 Pi Ke)-1 A / Z

A capacitor can be specified by two parameters:
*)   Maximum energy density or maximum electric field
*)   Voltage between the plates

The maximum electric field is equal to the max field for air times a dimensionless number characterizing the dielectric

Eair =  Maximum electric field for air before electical breakdown
Emax =  Maximum electric field in the capacitor
Rbohr=  Bohr radius
     =  Characteristic size of atoms
     =  5.2918e-11 m
     =  hbar2 / (ElectronMass*ElectronCharge2*Ke)
Ebohr=  Bohr electric field
     =  Field generated by a proton at a distance of 1 Bohr radius
     =  5.142e11 Volt/m
Maximum energy density  =  .5 * 8.854e-12 Emax2

                         Emax (MVolt/m)   Energy density
Al electrolyte capacitor     15.0            1000
Supercapacitor               90.2           36000
Bohr limit               510000            1.2e12            Capacitor with a Bohr electric field

Commercial supercapacitors
                Mass     Energy      E/M    Power   P/M   Price  Energy/$    C     Voltage
                 kg      kJoule     kJ/kg   kWatt  kW/kg    $    kJoule/$  Farads   Volts

PM-5R0V105-R      .000454   .0062   13.8                    5.7   .0011       1      5.0
Maxwell BCAP0350  .060      .638    10.6     .459  7.65    16     .040      350      2.7
Adafruit          .135      .984     7.3                   20     .049      630      2.5
BMOD0006E160B02  5.2      37.1       7.1    2.08    .40  1170     .032        5.8  160
XLM-62R1137-R   15       125.3       8.4  124.2    8.3   1396     .090      130     62.1

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