1) What is the most abundant molecule in the atmosphere of Venus?

2) What is the most abundant molecule in the atmosphere of Earth?

3) What is the most abundant molecule in the atmosphere of Mars?

4) What is the most abundant molecule in the atmosphere of Titan?

5) What is the most abundant molecule in the atmosphere of Jupiter?

6) 2 kg of radioactive material has a half life of 4 years. How much of it is left after 12 years?

7) Draw a diagram showing how to use the Hohmann maneuver to get from Earth to Mars.

8) Draw a diagram showing how the Oberth maneuver works.

9) What is the chief technical obstacle for making a uranium fission bomb?

10) What kind of fuel do the best chemical rockets use? (The fuel with the best exhaust velocity)

11) What is a beta particle?

12) What is an alpha particle?

13) If a tritium nucleus (1 proton, 2 neutrons) undergoes beta decay what kind of nucleus does it become?