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Flying electric cars

Flying electric cars are easy because lithium-ion batteries have a good power to mass ratio. For 1-person flying car, the minimum power/mass required to hover is 200 Watts/kg and a lithium-ion battery can produce 1000 Watts/kg.

Electric motors contribute neglibly to the mass of the car because they have a power/mass much larger than the battery (7000 Watts/kg). The propeller weighs even less than the motor.

Because motors are easy, a flying vehicle can have many motors and propellers, which helps with safety. Also, the more propellers a vehicle has, the easier it is to fly, because it reduces the minimum power/mass required to fly.

Electric motors are simpler and safer than gasoline motors. Gasoline motors come with baggage like gears, powertrains, combustion, flywheels, mufflers, etc., none of which are present in electric motors.

For a 1-person flying car,


Minimum for fixed-wing flight   120
Minimum for hovering flight     200
Minimum vehicle power/mass      300  = pveh     Should be easily able to hover. Use 1.5 times the minimum to hover
Lithium-ion battery            1000  = pbat

To hover, the battery mass has to be at least 3/10 the vehicle mass to provide enough power. The minimum battery mass fraction is pbat/pveh = 3/10.

Since a lithium-ion battery can easily power a hoovering vehicle, vertical takeoff is easy. There is no niche for a runway-based car.

The battery can be made larger to increase range. For fixed-wing flight, an electric flying car has a cruising speed of 50 meters/second and a range of 150 km.

Lithium-ion battery energy/mass=  e            =  1.0  MJoule/kg
Minimum for fixed-wing flight  =  pfix         =  100  Watts/kg
Battery mass fraction          =  f            =   .3
Flying time                    =  T = f e/pfix = 3000  seconds
Fixed-wing cruising speed      =  V            =   50  meter/second
Range                          =  X  =  V T    =  150  km

An electric generator has a power/mass of 200 Watts/kg, too small to fly. A small detachable electric generator could be potentially added for recharging off grid.

Mass scalings

For flight at constant velocity,

Number of propellers           =  N
Hovering minimum power/mass    =  p  ~  M1/6 N-1/6
Fixed-wing cruising speed      =  V  ~  M1/6
Fixed-wing cruising flight time=  T  ~  M-1/6
Fixed-wing cruising range      =  X  ~  M0

A single-person aircraft has a mass of ~ 400 kg and a hovering minimum power/mass of 200 Watts/kg. A 1 kg drone has a hovering minimum power/mass of 74 Watts/kg.



Wing lift

An wing generates lift at the cost of drag. Lift exceeds drag.

Wing drag force        =  F
Wing lift force        =  F
Wing lift-to-drag coef.=  Qw =  F / F

Wing aspect ratio

The lift-to-drag coefficient Qw is proportional to wing length divided by wing width.

Wing length            =  L
Wing width             =  W
Wing lift-to-drag coef.=  Qw ~  L/W    =  Wing aspect ratio.

Wing lift-to-drag coefficient

Wing width varies along the length of the wing. We define an effective width as

Width = ½ Area / Length

"Area" is the total for both wings, and "Length" is for one wing.

Aspect ratio is Length/Width.

               Qw     Aspect   Wing    Wing   Wing
                      ratio    length  width  area
                               meter   meter  meter2

U-2             23     10.6                            High-altitude spy plane
Albatros        20               1.7                   Largest bird
Gossamer        20     10.4     14.6     1.4    41.3   Gossamer albatross, human-powered aircraft
Hang glider     15
Tern            12
Herring Gull    10
Airbus A380      7.5    7.5     36.3    11.6   845
Concorde         7.1     .7     11.4    15.7   358.2
Boeing 747       7      7.9     23.3    11.3   525
Cessna 150       7      2.6      4.5     1.7    15
Sparrow          4
Human wingsuit   2.5    1        1.0     1.0     2
Flying lemur     ?                                      Most capable gliding mammal.  2 kg max
Flying squirrel  2.0

Wing angle of attack

Changing wing angle changes lift and drag. There is an optimum angle that maximizes the lift-to-drag coefficient.

If the angle is larger than the optimal angle, you gain lift at the expense of drag. If you make the angle of attack too large, lift ceases and the plane stalls.

Air drag

The air drag force is

Air density            =  D  =  1.22 kg/meter2
Velocity               =  V
Cross-sectional area   =  A
Drag coefficient       =  C
Drag force             =  F  =  ½ C D A V2

Parachute at terminal velocity
Human mass             =  M        =  80  kg
Gravity                =  g        =  10  meter/second2
Gravity force          =  F       = 800  Newton
Chute drag coefficient =  C        =   1  Dimensionless
Air density            =  D        =1.22  kg/meter2
Parachute area         =  A        = 100  meter2
Drag force             =  F = ½ C D A V2 = F
Terminal velocity      =  V        = 3.6  meter/second

Maximum speed

Drag force             =  F  =  ½ C D A V2
Drag power             =  P  =  F V  =  ½ C D A V3

     Drag coef    Drag area   Power   Max speed
   dimensionless   meter2     Watt   meter/second

Bike     1            .5        400      11
Car       .4         3       300000      74

Wing drag coefficient


F-4 Phantom   .021    (subsonic)
Cessna 310    .027
Airbus A380   .027
Boeing 747    .031
F-4 Phantom   .044    (supersonic)


A glider is unpowered. The more efficient the glider, the smaller the glide angle. The minimum glide angle is determined by the wing lift/drag coefficient.

Drag force             =  F
Lift force             =  F  =  Fgrav
Wing lift/drag ratio   =  Qw =  F / F
Horizontal speed       =  V
Vertical descent speed =  V
Glide ratio            =  G  =  V / V
Gravitational force    =  Fgrav
Drag power             =  Pdrag  =  F   V
Power from gravity     =  Pgrav  =  Fgrav V
If the glider descends at constant velocity,
Pdrag  =  Pgrav
The goal of a glider is to maximize the glide ratio
V / V  =  (Pdrag / F)  /  (Pgrav / Fgrav)
         =  Fgrav / F
         =  Qw
The glide ratio is equal to the lift coefficient. Qw = G

Level flight

Air density           =  D
Wing area             =  A
Wing drag coefficient =  Cw
Wing drag             =  F  =  ½ Cw D A V2
Wing lift             =  F
Wing lift/drag ratio  =  Qw  =  F / F
Aircraft speed        =  V
Aircraft mass         =  M
Gravity               =  g   =  9.8 meters/second2
Gravity force         =  Fgrav=  M g
Engine force          =  Feng =  V F
Drag power            =  P  =  F V  =  ½ Cw D A V3
Agility (Power/mass)  =  p   =  P / M  =  V g / Qw
For flight at constant velocity,
Feng = F         Horizontal force balance

F   = Fgrav      Vertical force balance

F   = F Qw      Definition of the wing lift/drag coefficient

Fgrav= Fdrag Qw   →   M g = Qw ½ Cw D A V2

Cruising speed       =  V  =  M½ g½ Qw (½ Cw D A)   ~  M1/6

Agility (Power/mass) =  p  =  M½ g3/2 Qw-3/2 (½ Cw D A)  ~  M1/6

Aircraft energy/mass =  e                              ~  M0

Flight time          =  T  =  e/p                      ~  M-1/6

Range                =  X  =  V T                      ~  M0

For the mass scalings, we assume that wing area scales as M2/3.

Wingtip vortex

A wingtip creates a vortex as it moves. Wingtips are often equipped with a vertical element to damp the vortex. The vertical element increases the effective wing length and improves the lift-to-drag coefficient. coefficient.

Birds fly in a "V" formation to use the updraft from their neighbor's wingtip vortices.

Hovering flight

Hovering propeller

For propellers,

Rotor radius     =  R
Air density      =  D  =  1.22 kg/meter3 at sea level
Rotor tip speed  =  V
Rotor width param=  Cr
Rotor lift force =  F =  D Cr R2 V2
Rotor drag force =  F
Rotor lift/drag  =  Qr =  F / F
Rotor power      =  P  =  F V  =  F V / Qr
Rotor force/power=  Z  =  F/ P
                       =  Qr / V
                       =  R F D½ Cr½ Qr
                       =  R F D½ qr
Rotor quality    =  qr =  Qr Cr½
The physical parameters of a propeller are {Qr,Cr,qr}, with typical values of
Qr = 5.5
Cr =  .045
qr = 1.17
Most propellers have 2 blades and some have 3. If there are 4 or more blades then qr declines.

The parameters are not independent. They're related through the blade aspect ratio.

K  ≈  Aspect ratio
Cr ≈  K
Qr ≈  K
qr ≈  K½

Hovering time
Aircraft mass        =  M
Gravity              =  g
Aircraft force       =  F =  M g
Rotor radius         =  R                  ~  M1/3
Hovering force/power =  Z  =  qr D½ R F  ~  M-1/6
Hovering power/mass  =  p  =  g / Z        ~  M1/6
Aircraft energy/mass =  e                  ~  M0
Hovering time        =  T  =  e / p        ~  M-1/6

Drive propeller

A drive propeller has to move substantially faster than the aircraft to be effective. This distinguishes it from a hovering propeller, which is designed to minimze propeller speed.

Rotor radius      =  R
Air density       =  D  =  1.22 kg/meter3
Aircraft speed    =  U
Rotor speed coef. =  s
Rotor tip speed   =  V  =  s U
Rotor lift force  =  F
Rotor drag force  =  F
Rotor lift/drag   =  Qr =  F / F
Rotor power       =  P  =  F V  =  F V / Q
Rotor force/power =  Z  =  Q / V
Typically, Q ~ 5.5 and s ~ 3.
Power/Mass ratio

A commonly-appearing quantity is the power/mass ratio, which is inversely proportional to the force/power ratio.

Mass              =  M
Gravity           =  g
Rotor quality     =  q
Hover force       =  F  =  M g
Hover power       =  P
Force/Power ratio =  Z  =  F/P
Power/Mass ratio  =  p  =  P/M  =  g/Z

Typical parameters
Air density       =  Dair=  1.22
Seawater density  =  Dwater= 1025
Gravity           =  g   =  9.8     meters/second2
Wing drag coef.   =  Cw  =   .03
Wing Lift/drag    =  Qw  =  7
Rotor lift/drag   =  Qr  =  5.5
Rotor width param =  Cr  =   .045
Rotor quality     =  qr  =  1.17  =  Qr Cr½
Rotor force/power =  Zr
Rotor agility     =  pr  =  g/Zr
Wing agility      =  pw

Propeller-driven level flight
Aircraft mass        =  M
Gravity              =  g
Air density          =  D  =  1.22 kg/meter3
Aircraft speed       =  U
Rotor speed coef.    =  s
Rotor tip speed      =  V  =  s U
Aircraft lift force  =  F  =  M g
Rotor lift force     =  F
Wing lift/drag       =  Qw =  F / F
Rotor drag force     =  F
Rotor lift/drag      =  Qr =  F / F
Rotor power          =  P  =  F V  =  F V / Qr  =  F V / (Qr Qw)
Aircraft force/power =  Z  =  F / P  =  [Qr Qw / s] / U
There is a tradeoff between Qr and s.
Number of rotors

The larger the number of rotors, the less power is required to fly. The efficiency of a rotor is characterized by the force per power.

Number of rotors  =  N
Aircraft mass     =  M
Total rotor mass  =  m
Rotor mass        =  m/N
Rotor constant    =  C
Rotor radius      =  R  =  C m1/3 N-1/3
Gravity           =  g
Force per rotor   =  F  =  Mg/N
Rotor quality     =  q  =  1.17
Air density       =  D  =  1.22
Rotor quality     =  Q  =  q D½  =  1.29
Rotor force/power =  q D½ C (m/N)1/3 (Mg/N)
                  =  q D½ C N1/6 m1/3 M g
For example, in dimensionless units,
Rotors   Rotor   Rotor    Rotor      Rotor
         mass    radius   force   force/power

  1        1       1        1         1
  2         .5      .79      .5       1.12
  3         .33     .69      .33      1.20
  4         .25     .63      .25      1.26
  6         .167    .55      .167     1.35
  8         .125    .50      .125     1.41
 16         .062    .40      .062     1.59


Commercial airplanes fly at high altitude where the air is thin. The thinner the air, the less the drag force and the less the energy required to travel a given distance.

                Altitude   Density
                  (km)     (kg/m3)

Sea level          0       1.22
                   1       1.14
                   2       1.02
Cessna 150         3        .79
Mount Everest      8.8      .46
Boeing 747        11.0      .36
Airbus A380       13.1      .26
Concorde          18.3      .115
F-22 Raptor       19.8      .091
U-2               21.3      .071
SR-71 Blackbird   25.9      .034

Battery types
              Energy/Mass  Power/Mass  Recharge  Year  Anode  Cathode   Market fraction of
               MJoule/kg    Watt/kg                                     Lithium-ion batteries

Lithium air          6.12               No     Future  Li    O2
Aluminum air         4.68     200       No     1970    Al    O2
Lithium thionyl      2.00     700       No     1973    Li    SOCl2
Zinc air             1.59               No     1932    Zn    O2
Lithium-ion sulfur   1.44     670       Yes    Future  Li    S               0
Lithium metal        1.01     400       No     1976    Li    MnO2
Lithium-ion CoNiAlO2  .79               Yes    1999    Li    CoNiAlO2         .10
Lithium-ion CoNiMnO2  .74    1200       Yes    2008    Li    CoNiMnO2         .29
Lithium-ion CoO2      .70     200       Yes    1991    Li    CoO2             .29
Lithium-ion Mn2O4     .54    1200       Yes    1999    Li    Mn2O4            .10
Lithium-ion FePO4     .47    1200       Yes    1996    Li    FePO4            .22
Alkaline              .40               Yes    1992    Zn    MnO2
NiMH                  .34    1000       Yes    1990    MH    NiO(OH)
Lead acid             .15     180       Yes    1881    Pb    PbO2
NiCd                  .14     200       Yes    1960    Cd    NiO(OH)

Battery energy and power

Voltage          =  V         Volts
Charge           =  C         Coulombs
Time             =  T         seconds
Electric current =  I  = C/T  Amperes (Amps)
Electric power   =  P  =  VI  Watts
Energy           =  E  =  PT  Joules
                       =  CV  Joules
Battery energy is often given in "Watt hours" or "Ampere hours".

1 Watt hour = 3600 Joules = 1 Watt * 3600 seconds

1 Amp hour = 3600 Coulombs = 1 Coulombs/second * 3600 seconds

A battery with a voltage of 3.7 Volts that delivers 1 Ampere for 1 hour has an energy of
Energy = 1 Ampere * 3.7 Volts * 3600 seconds = 13320 Joules

Battery sizes

Energies and powers are for lithium batteries, which have a voltage of 3.7 Volts. The "ID #" is often used instead of cell size.

Cell        Energy  Power  Current  Mass  Diameter  Length  Charge   Price    ID #
size        kJoule  Watt   Ampere   gram     mm       mm    AmpHour    $

D            107     220     60     138      32       67     8.0      13      32650
C             67     220     60      92      26       50     5.0       8      26650, 25500
B             58     160     45      72      22       60     4.5       5      21700, 20700
A             47     110     30      49      18       50     3.5       3      18650
AA             9      22      6      15      14       53      .70      1      14500
AAA            4.7    11      3       7.6    10       44      .35       .5    10440
AAAA           2.3     6      1.5     3.8     8       42      .17       .25   75400
CR2032         3.                                                             Most common button cell
CR1216          .33                                                           Smallest button cell

Apple Watch 4  4.0                                            .29
iPhoneXR 6"   41                                             2.94             Machine = .194 kg
iPhoneXSM 6"  44                                             3.17             Machine = .208 kg
iPhoneXS 6"   36                                             2.66             Machine = .177 kg
iPhone8+ 6"   27                                             2.79             Machine = .202 kg
iPhone8  5"   25                                             1.82             Machine = .148 kg
iPhone7+ 6"   40                                             2.90             Machine = .188 kg
iPhone7  5"   27                                             1.96             Machine = .138 kg
iPad Mini 8"  70                                             5.12             Machine = .30  kg
iPad Pro 10" 111                                             8.13             Machine = .47  kg
Mac Air 11"  137                                                              Machine = 1.08 kg
Mac Air 13"  194                                                              Machine = 1.34 kg
MacBook 12"  149                                                              Machine =  .92 kg
Mac Pro 13"  209                                                              Machine = 1.37 kg
Mac Pro 15"  301                                                              Machine = 1.83 kg

              Energy  Power  Lifetime
              kJoule  Watts   hours

iPhone 8  5"    25     .50    14
iPhone 8+ 6"    27     .54    14
iPad Mini 8"    70    1.9     10
iPad Pro 10"   111    3.1     10
Mac Air  11"   137    3.8     10
Mac Air  13"   194    5.4     10
Mac Pro  13"   209    5.8     10
Mac Pro  15"   301    8.4     10

Battery packs

A single battery is a "cell" and a set of cells is a "pack". Packs are used to multiply the energy and power of cells.

Battery packs are notorous for catching fire, but cell technology has reached the point where it's now possible to make safe battery packs, and the design is simple enough so that anyone can construct their own packs.

Cells can be combined in series and/or parallel. Connecting in series multiples voltage, and voltage is helpful for achieving high power in a motor.

Connecting in series is easier than in parallel. If it's possible to achieve the required power without parallelization then one should do so, and this is usually possible with modern cells.

Series packs have the advantage that the cells can easily be extracted and charged individually, and cells can be interchanged between packs. One can also construct a set of series packs and swap them in like gun clips.

High power electric bikes use a voltage of 72 Volts. If we use one series array of C cells then a pack provides 4440 Watts and 1.2 MJoules. Any electric device requiring less than this much power can be powered by a series pack.

The properties of a modern high-power cell are:

Type         =  "C"
Voltage      =   3.7 Volts
Energy       =  60   kJoules
Power        = 155   Watts
Mass         =  92   grams
Energy/mass  = 650   kJoules/kg
Power/mass   =1680   Watts/kg
Current      =  42   Amperes
Manufacturer = "Basen"
When the cells are connected in series the values for voltage and power are:
Cells   Voltage    Power
         Volts     kWatts

   1      3.7        .15
   2      7.4        .30
   3     11          .45     Electric kick scooter
   4     15          .60
   6     24          .90     Electric bike
  10     36         1.5
  20     72         3.0      Compact electric car
  96    356        15.0      Large electric car

Commercial lithium batteries

           Size   Charge  Current  Price
                 Amphours  Amps      $

Basen        C     4.5      60     8.0
Panasonic    B     4.0      15     8.0
Sony VTC6    A     3.0      30     8.0
Panasonic    A     3.5      10     5.5
Efest IMR    AA     .65      6.5   3.5
Efest IMR    AAA    .35      3     3.0
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