
Wave types

Mechanical waves require a medium to propagate. Sound waves can't propagate in the vacuum of space.

Shallow-water wave
Deep-water wave

Pressure wave in a solid
Shear wave in a solid
Rayleigh surface wave in a solid
Wave on a beam

In rock, pressure waves propagate at ~ 5 km/s and shear waves propagate at ~ 3 km/s. You can estimate the distance from the center of an earthquake by measuring the time difference between the arrival of the pressure and shear waves.

Wave on a string
Standing wave on a string
Torsion wave on a string

Spherical pressure wave


Spherical explosion in a solid
Shear wave
Gravity wave

Helmholtz wave on a bowed string


Wave type            Wave speed squared

Sound in air         1.4 * Pressure / Density
String wave          Tension / (Density * CrossSectionalArea)
Longitudinal wave    BulkModulus / Densty
Shear wave           ShearModulus / Density
Torsion wave         ShearModulus / Density
Deep water wave      GravityConstant * Wavelength / (2 Pi)    (If Depth > .5 Wavelength)
hallow water wave    GravityConstant * Depth                  (If Depth < .5 Wavelength)

GravityConstant = 9.8 meters/second^2

If the wave speed doesn't depend on the frequency then waves propagate without changing shape (without dispersion). This applies to all waves except for deep water waves.
           Bulk      Density   Sound speed
          modulus    (g/cm^3)    (km/s)
Air           .00014   .0012      .34
Water        2.2      1.0        1.43
Wood        13        1          3.6
Granite    100        2.75       6.0
Steel      170        7.9        6.1
Diamond    443        3.5       12.0
Beryllium  130        1.85      12.9         Fastest sound speed of any material

Hooke's law and elasticity

x     =  Displacement of the spring when a force is applied
K     =  Spring constant
Force =  Force on the spring
      =  K x      (Hooke's law)

Young's modulus

The Young's modulus characterizes the stiffness of a wire and it is proportional to the spring constant.

Force =  Tension force on the wire
X     =  Length of wire under zero tension force
x     =  Increase in length of the wire when a tension force is applied
Area  =  Cross-sectional area of the wire
Stress=  Force / Area          (Pressure, measured in Pascals or Newtons/meter^2)
Strain=  Fractional change in length of the wire
      =  x/X
Young =  Tensile modulus or "Young's modulus" for the (Pascals)
Hooke's law in terms of stress and strain is

Stress  =  Young * Strain

Young   =  K X / Area

If the Young's modulus of a string is too high it is too stiff to play. This is why the core of a string is often made from an elastic material such as nylon or gut.

Tensile strength

Tensile yield strength  =  Maximum stress before the material irreversibly deforms
Tensile strength        =  Maximum stress before the material breaks

Tensile toughness

Toughness is a measure of the maximum energy density that a material can absorb before breaking. A tough material must be both strong and flexible.

Density  =  Density of the wire
Stress   =  Force/Area on the wire
Strain   =  Fractional change in length of the wire
StressMax=  Maximum stress before breaking
         =  Tensile strength
StrainMax=  Tensile strain strength.  Maximum strain before breaking
Young    =  Young's modulus
         =  Stress/Strain
Yield    =  Yield modulus
         =  Stress for which the material irreversibly deforms
Toughness=  Energy/volume in the wire when at maximum stress
         =  .5 * StressMax^2 / Young
U        =  Toughness/Density
         =  Energy/kg in the wire when at maximum stress

Stress     =  Young * Strain

StressMax  =  Young * StrainMax

Toughness  =  .5 * Young * StrainMax^2
           =  .5 * StressMax^2 / Young

The ability of a material to keep an edge is related to its Young's modulus and tensile strength.

Piano strings are "tough" in the sense that they are designed to absorb a large strain before breaking. The tradeoff is that they cannot hold an edge.

Wootz steel is a steel-carbon alloy designed to be both strong and flexible.

The following table shows the maximum strain of a material before breaking.

Tensile toughness

Toughness is a measure of the maximum energy density that a material can absorb before breaking. A tough material must be both strong and flexible.

Density  =  Density of the wire
Stress   =  Force/Area on the wire
Strain   =  Fractional change in length of the wire
StressMax=  Maximum stress before breaking
         =  Tensile strength
StrainMax=  Tensile strain strength.  Maximum strain before breaking
Young    =  Young's modulus
         =  Stress/Strain
Yield    =  Yield modulus
         =  Stress for which the material irreversibly deforms
Toughness=  Energy/volume in the wire when at maximum stress
         =  .5 * StressMax^2 / Young
U        =  Toughness/Density
         =  Energy/kg in the wire when at maximum stress

Stress     =  Young * Strain

StressMax  =  Young * StrainMax

Toughness  =  .5 * Young * StrainMax^2
           =  .5 * StressMax^2 / Young

The ability of a material to keep an edge is related to its Young's modulus and tensile strength.

           Young's  Yield  Tensile  Tensile  Tough  Tough/   Brinell  Density  Poisson
           modulus         strengh  strain          density  (GPa)    (g/cm^3)
            (GPa)   (Gpa)  (GPa)             (MPa)  (J/kg)
Beryllium    287     .345   .448   .0016     .350     189       .6     1.85       .032
Magnesium     45     .100   .232   .0052     .598     344       .26    1.74       .29
Aluminum      70     .020   .050   .00071    .018      15       .245   2.70       .35
Titanium     120     .225   .37    .0031     .570      54       .72    4.51       .32
Chromium     279            .282   .00101    .143     199      1.12    7.15       .21
Iron         211     .100   .35    .0017     .290      37       .49    7.87       .29
Cobalt       209     .485   .760   .0036    1.382     155       .7     8.90       .31
Nickel       170     .190   .195   .0011     .112      12.5     .7     8.91       .31
Copper       130     .117   .210   .0016     .170      19       .87    8.96       .34
Molybdenum   330            .324   .00098    .159      15      1.5    10.28       .31
Silver        83            .170   .0020     .174      17       .024  10.49       .37
Tin           47     .014   .200   .0043     .426      59       .005   7.26       .36
Tungsten     441     .947  1.51    .0037    2.585     134      2.57   19.25       .28
Rhenium      483     .290  1.07    .0024    1.298      62      1.32   21.02       .30
Osmium       590           1.00    .0018     .893      40      3.92   22.59       .25
Iridium      528           2.0     .0038    3.788     168      1.67   22.56       .26
Platinum     168            .165   .00098    .081       3.8     .32   21.45       .38
Gold          78            .127   .0016     .103       5.3     .24   19.30       .44
Lead          16            .012   .00075    .045     3.8     .44     11.34       .44

Al Alloy      70     .414   .483   .0069    1.666     595              2.8
Brass        125     .20    .55    .0044    1.210     139              8.73
Bronze       120            .800   .0067    2.667     300              8.9
Steel        250     .250   .55    .0022     .605      77              7.9        .30
Stainless    250     .52    .86    .0034    1.479     185              8.0        .30
W-C          650            .345   .00053    .092       5.9           15.63
Si-C         450     -     3.44    .0076   13.10     4100              3.21

Rubber          .1          .016                                                 .5
Nylon          3     .045   .075   .025     .938     815              1.15
Carbon fiber 181           1.600   .0088   7.07     4040              1.75
Kevlar       100    3.62   3.76
Zylon        180    2.70   5.80                                       1.56
Colossal tube        -     7                                           .116              Carbon colossal nanotube
Nanorope   ~1000     -     3.6     .0036      6.5    4980             1.3                Rope made from nanotubes
Nanotube    1000     -    63       .063    1980   1480000             1.34               Carbon nanotube
Graphene    1050     -   160       .152   12190  12190000             1.0
Carbyne    32100                                                                         Unstable

Air            0    0      0      0            0       0               .0012
Water          0    0      0      0            0       0              1.00
Ice                         .001                                                  .33
Cork                       low                                                   0
Glass         45            .033                                      2.53        .25
Concrete      30            .005                                      2.7         .2
Granite       70            .025                                      2.7         .2
Basalt                      .030
Marble        70            .015                                      2.6         .2

Skin                 .015   .020                                      2.2
Bone          14     .120   .130   .0093     604     377              1.6
Pine                        .04
Oak           11
Bamboo                      .50                                        .4
Ironwood      21            .181   .0086     780     650              1.2
Tooth enamel  83
Human hair                  .380
Spider silk                1.0                                        1.3

Sapphire     345     .4    1.9     .0055    5232    1315              3.98        .28
Diamond     1220    1.6    2.8     .0023    3210     920     1200     3.5         .069

           Young's  Yield  Tensile  Tensile  Tough  Tough/   Brinell  Density  Poisson
           modulus         strengh  strain          density  (GPa)    (g/cm^3)
            (GPa)   (Gpa)  (GPa)             (kPa)  (J/kg)

The listed strain is for when the material is at the breaking point.

The maximum energy/mass of a spring is proportional to the toughness/density.


Fission        69500000
Diesel fuel          47
Lithium battery        .95
Supercapacitor         .018
Spring                 .0003

Compressive strength


Concrete and ceramics typically have much higher compressive strengths than tensile strengths. Composite materials, such as glass fiber epoxy matrix composite, tend to have higher tensile strengths than compressive strengths.


The deformation of a solid is characterized by shear strain, tensile strain, and bulk compression.

Tensile strain
Shear strain
Bulk compression

Tensile strength relates to the strength of wires.

Two vices pull on a wire

Shear strength relates to the strength of beams and columns.

Bending of a beam
Buckling of a column
Human humerus

The maximum force on a beam is determined by the shear strength.

F  =  Maximum force applied to the center of a beam before it breaks
X  =  Beam length
Y  =  Beam thickness
Z  =  Beam height
x  =  Deflection of the beam at the center when under force "F"
ShearStrength = 3 F X / (2 Y Z^2)

If a column is short then it squashes before it buckles and if it is long then it buckles before it squashes.

A column's resistance to squashing is determined by the Bulk strength.

A  =  Area of the column
B  =  Bulk strength of the column
F  =  Force required to squash a column
   =  B A
A column's resistance to buckling is determined by the Young's modulus. Suppose a column is a hollow cylinder.
L  =  Length of the column
R  =  Outer radius of the column
r  =  Inner radius of the column   (r=0 if the cylinder is not hollow)
Y  =  Young's modulus
Q  =  Dimensionless effective length of the column
   =   .5      if both ends are fixed
   =  2        if one end is fixed and the other end is free to move laterally
   =  1        if both ends are pinned  (hinged and free to rotate)
   =   .699    if one end is fixed and the other is pinned
F  =  Force required to buckle the column

F  =  .5 Pi3 Y (R4-r4) / (Q L)2
If a column's buckling limit is equal to its squashing limit then (assume r=0)
R/L  =  (Q/Pi) * (2B/Y)1/2

Shear strain
Z             =  Height of a beam
X             =  Length of a beam
Y             =  Width of a beam
Area          =  Surface area of the top face of the beam
              =  X Y
Force         =  Transverse force on the top face of the beam in the X direction
x             =  Transverse displacement of the top face of the beam when a transvere
                 force is applied
ShearStress   =  Force / (X Y)
Shearstrain   =  x/Y
ShearModulus  =  ShearStress / ShearStrain
ShearYield    =  Shear stress for which the material deforms irreversibly
ShearStrength =  Maximum shear stress before breaking
ShearStrainMax=  Maximum strain before breaking
ShearToughness=  Energy/Volume absorbed by the material when at maximum strain
              =  .5 ShearModulus * ShearStrainMaax^2
              =  .5 ShearStrength^2 / ShearModulus

ShearStress   =  ShearModulus * ShearStrain

ShearStrength =  ShearModulus * ShearStrainMax

Tensile strain and shear strain have analogous elastic variables.

TensileStress     <-->  ShearStress
Tensilestrain     <-->  Shearstrain
Tensilemodulus    <-->  ShearModulus
TensileYield      <-->  ShearYield
TensileStrength   <-->  ShearStrength
TensileStrainMax  <-->  ShearStrainMax
TensileToughness  <-->  ShearToughness

The bulk modulus is analogous to the tensile modulus and the strain modulus.

If a material can be compressed indefinitely (until it turns into a neutron star) then it has no concept of a "bulk strength". This applies especially to metals and diamonds. Hence, the "bulk modulus" is usually the only meaningful variable for compression.

Imbalanced forces within the material
Kelvin-Helmholtz instability
Ring of Saturn

Poisson ratio

A wire shortens when stretched and widens when compressed.

dX            =  Fractional increase in length of the wire
dY            =  Fractional decrease in diameter of the wire
PoissonRatio  =  dY / dX

For an isotropic material the tensile, shear, and bulk moduli are related through the dimensionless Poisson ratio.

2 * (1 +   PoissonRatio) * ShearModulus  =  TensileModulus

3 * (1 - 2*PoissonRatio) * BulkModulus   =  TensileModulus

The Poisson ratio for most metals is in the range of 1/3 and for rubber it is 1/2. If we assume the Poisson ratio is 1/3 then
(8/3) * ShearModulus  =  TensileModulus
Materials based on carbon chains differ from isotropic materials in that they tend to have a large tensile strength and a low shear strength. These materials are good for wires.

The following figure characterizes the relation between the shear and tensile moduli. The relationship applies well for most metals.

Vertical axis    =  ShearModulus
Horizontal axis  =  TensileModulus / (2 + 2*PoissonRatio)


Brinell hardness test
Vickers hardness test

Diamond indenter for a Vickers hardness test
Indentation left in steel by a diamond indenter

Brinell  =  A measure of a material's resistance to dents, measured in Pascals
Mohs     =  A dimensionless measure of a material's resistance to dents
The Mohs scale of mineral hardness reflect's a material's ability to resist scratching. If two materials are scraped together then the material with the lower Mohs value will be scratched more. Diamond has the largest Mohs value of any material.

Diamond          10
RhB2              9.5
Silicon carbide   9.5
Corundum          9
Tungsten carbide  9
Chromium          8.5
Emerald           8
Topaz             8
Tungsten          8
Hardened steel    8
Quartz            7
Osmium            7
Rhenium           7
Vanadium          7

If a material has a large Brinell hardness then it has a large Mohs hardness. The reverse is not necessarily true. Materials exist with a large Mohs hardness and a small Brinell hardness.

The Brinell hardness is related to the tensile modulus and tensile strength.

             Vickers   Tensile  Tensile  Tensile  Tensile  Poisson
             hardness  modulus  strength tough     strain
              (GPa)     (GPa)    (GPa)    (kPa)    (GPa)
Hardened steel  .8      250       .55                         .29
Osmium                  590      1.00      893     .25
Cobalt         1.04     209       .76                         .31
Chromium       1.06     279       .282     143     .00101     .21
Tantalum       1.2      186       .90                         .34
Beryllium      1.67     287      .448                         .032
Iridium        2.2      528     2.0       3788     .0038      .26
Sapphire       2.3      345     1.9       5232     .0055      .28
Uranium        2.5      208      .625                         .23
Si-C           2.6      450     3.44     13100     .0076      .19
W-C            2.6      650      .345       92     .00053     .23
Molybdenum     2.74     330      .324      159     .00098     .31
Ti-N           3.0                                            .25
Ti-C           3.2      439      .119                         .19
Titanium       3.42     120      .37       570     .0031      .32
Tungsten       4.6      441     1.51      2585     .0037      .28
Boron          4.9      400     3.1
BN             6.0      100      .083                         .27
Rhenium        7.58     483     1.07      1298     .0024      .30
Rhodium        8.0      275      .951                         .26
Diamond       10.0     1220     2.8       3210     .0023      .069

All hard materials have a small Poisson ratio.


              Density   Price
              (g/cm^3)  ($/g)

Water           1.0
Nylon           1.2
Gut             1.5
Synthetic       2.5
Aluminum        2.8      <.01
Titanium        4.5       .01
Steel           7.9      <.01
Nickel          8.9       .01
Silver         10.5       .6
Tungsten       19.2       .05
Gold           19.3     24
Rhenium        21.0      6
Platinum       21.4     88
Iridium        22.56    13
Osmium         22.59    12        Densest element
Tungsten is the only dense metal that is not expensive.

Previous to the discovery of tungsten, gold was an uncounterfeitable currency because no material existed that was both more dense and less expensive than gold.

Osmium is the densest element and it is also expensive, making it useful as a currency.

Heavy metal

Color     =  Shear Modulus.  Red is low, orange is medium, and white is high.
Dot size  =  Density
Shear data
Density data
Strength to weight ratio

Color      =  Shear Modulus / Density          A measure of a material's "strength to weight" ratio
Dot size   =  Density
The metals with the highest strength to weight ratio are Chromium, Ruthenium, and Beryllium.

Chromium is common in the Earth's crust and Ruthenium is rare.

Shear data    Density data

Strength and melting point

Dot size   = (Shear Modulus)^(1/3)           An indicator of a material's strength
Dot color  =  Melting point

White  =  Highest melting points
Red    =  Lowest melting points
Blue   =  Elements that are a gas or a liquid at room temperature and pressure.
          Liquids and gases have a shear modulus of 0.
Rocket cones are made from materials with a high melting point, a high shear strength, and a high atomic mass. Tungsten is the element of choice, especially because it's vastly cheaper than Rhenium, Osmium, and Iridium.

For carbon, the values are given for diamond form.

Shear data    Melt data

Precious metal

Color    =  Price per kilogram       Red is low, orange is medium, white is high
                                     Blue indicates the element is radioactive with a
                                     short half life
Dot size = -log(SolarAbundance)      The smaller the dot, the more abundant the element
Price data


Dot size  =  Atomic radius
          =  (AtomicMass / Density)**(1/3)
For gases, the density at boiling point is used.

Size data

Poisson ratio

Dot size  =  [Shear modulus / Density]**(1/2)
Color     =  Poisson ratio, ranging from red to white


Dot size  =  [Brinell hardness / Density]**(1/2)
Color     =  Poisson ratio, ranging from red to white
Brinell hardness is difficult to define for diamond, although it is substantially larger than that for any other element. A nominal value is used in the table only to indicate that it is large.

History of metallurgy

        Earliest   Shear    Melt  Density
        known use  Strength (K)   (g/cm^3)
        (year)     (GPa)
Wood    < -10000     15        -    .9
Rock    < -10000
Carbon  < -10000
Diamond < -10000    534     3800   3.5
Gold    < -10000     27     1337  19.3
Silver  < -10000     30     1235  10.5
Sulfur  < -10000
Copper     -9000     48     1358   9.0
Lead       -6400      6      601  11.3
Brass      -5000    ~40                    Copper + Zinc
Bronze     -3500    ~40                    Copper + Tin
Tin        -3000     18      505   7.3
Antimony   -3000     20      904   6.7
Mercury    -2000      0      234  13.5
Iron       -1200     82     1811   7.9
Arsenic     1649      8     1090   5.7
Cobalt      1735     75     1768   8.9     First metal discovered since iron
Platinum    1735     61     2041  21.4
Zinc        1746     43      693   7.2
Tungsten    1783    161     3695  19.2
Chromium    1798    115     2180   7.2

Stone age    antiquity
Copper age    -9000
Bronze age    -3500
Iron age      -1200
Bronze holds an edge better than copper and it is more corrosion resistant.

Gold was the densest known element until the discovery of platinum in 1735. This made it impossible to counterfeit as a currency.

Metals known since antiquity

Horizontal axis:  Density
Vertical axis:    Shear modulus / Density       (Strength-to-weight ratio)


Horizontal axis:  Density
Vertical axis:    Shear modulus / Density       (Strength-to-weight ratio)
Beryllium is beyond the top of the plot.

Metals with a strength-to-weight ratio less than lead are not included, except for mercury.


Ruby in a green laser
Synthetic rubies



Synthetic sapphire


Raw diamond
Raw diamond
Synthetic diamond
Synthetic diamonds



Crystal, polycrystal, and amorphous


Diamond and graphite
Carbon phase diagram
Corundum (Al2O3)
Corundum unit cell

Tungsten Carbide
Metal lattice

Alpha quartz (SiO2)
Beta quartz
Glass (SiO2)
Salt (NaCl)

Corundum is a crystalline form of aluminium oxide (Al2O3). It is transparent in its pure orm and can have different colors when metal impurities are present. Specimens are called rubies if red, padparadscha if pink-orange, and all other colors are called sapphire, e.g., "green sapphire" for a green specimen.

Metal impurity   Color

Chromium         Red
Iron             Blue
Titanium         Yellow
Copper           Orange
Magnesium        Green


Buckyball with 540 atoms
Buckyball with 60 atoms
Buckyballs in the liquid phase


Buckyballs in a nanotube


Aramid (Kevlar)

Hydrogen bonds in Nylon

Spider silk

Lignin comprises 30 percent of wood and it is the principal structural element.


               Year   Young  Tensile  Strain  Density   Common
                      (GPa)  strength         (g/cm^3)  name
Gut                             .2
Cotton        Ancient                   .1       1.5
Hemp          Ancient   10      .3      .023
Polyamide      1939      5     1.0      .2       1.14    Nylon, Perlon
Polyester      1941     15     1.0      .067     1.38
Polypropylene  1957                               .91
Polyethylene   1939    117                       1.4     Dacron
Carbon fiber   1968            3.0               1.75
Aramid         1973    135     3.0      .022     1.43    Kevlar
HMPE           1975    100     2.4      .024      .97    Dyneema, Spectra
LCAP           1990     65     3.8      .058     1.4     Vectran
Vectran HT              75     3.2      .043     1.41    Vectran
Vectran NT              52     1.1      .021     1.41    Vectran
Vectran UM             103     3.0      .029     1.41    Vectan
PBO            1985    280     5.8      .021     1.52    Zylon
Nanorope             ~1000     3.6      .0036    1.3
Nanotube              1000    63        .063     1.34
Graphene              1050   160        .152     1.0

Strain  =  Strength / Young
Carbon fiber is not useful as a rope.

A string ideally has both large strength and large strain, which favors Vectran.



Alloy of gold, silver, and copper

High-performance materials

Below is a list of the elastic variables for a material, with examples for large and small values for each variable.

                      Small value        Large value

Tensile modulus       Climbing rope      Bicycle spokes
Tensile yield
Tensile strength                         Violin strings
Tensile max strain                       Climbing rope
Tensile toughness                        Elevator cable
Shear modulus         Golf driver        Bike frame
Shear yield                              Spring
Shear strength                           Beam
Shear toughness                          Sword interior
Shear max strain                         Golf driver
Bulk modulus          Pillow
Brinell hardness      Machining metal    Sword edge
Mohr hardness         Pencil lead        Cutting tools
Poisson ratio
Density               Airplane frame     Bullet

Some examples of materials used for high-performance applications are

Rocket cones       Tungsten
Wire               Zylon, Sapphire, Carbon nanorope
Sword inerior      Aluminum alloy, Sapphire
Sword edge         Diamond
Clock escapement   Diamond,  Tungsten carbide
Formula-1 brakes   Carbon
Bullet             Lead, Tungsten, Uranium, Osmium
Lubricants         Fullerines

Brass is a useful machining metal because it is easy to cut.

Not all of of the above variables are independent. The toughness and maximum strain are determined from the strength and modulus. The most important variables for high-performance materials are

Tensile strength      Maximum stress on a wire
Shear modulus         Stiffness of a beam or column
Shear strength        Maximum stress on a beam or column
Brinell hardness      Sword edge
Mohr hardness         Cutting tools
Density               Bullets
Below is a table of the stoutest engineering materials.

           Young's  Yield  Tensile Tensile  Tough  Tough/  Brinell  Density  Poisson
           modulus         strengh strain          density (GPa)    (g/cm^3)
            (GPa)   (Gpa)  (GPa)            (MPa)  (J/kg)
Beryllium    287     .345   .448   .0016    .350     189      .6     1.85     .032
Mg alloy      45     .100   .232   .0052    .598     344      .26    1.74     .29
Al alloy      70     .414   .483   .0069   1.666     595      .245   2.8      .35
Titanium     120     .225   .37    .0031    .570      54      .72    4.51     .32
Chromium     279            .282   .00101   .143     199     1.12    7.15     .21
Iron         211     .100   .35    .0017    .290      37      .49    7.87     .29
Cobalt       209     .485   .760   .0036   1.382     155      .7     8.90     .31
Nickel       170     .190   .195   .0011    .112      12.5    .7     8.91     .31
Copper       130     .117   .210   .0016    .170      19      .87    8.96     .34
Molybdenum   330            .324   .00098   .159      15     1.5    10.28     .31
Tin           47     .014   .200   .0043    .426      59      .005   7.26     .36
Tungsten     441     .947  1.51    .0037   2.585     134     2.57   19.25     .28
Rhenium      483     .290  1.07    .0024   1.298      62     1.32   21.02     .30
Osmium       590           1.00    .0018    .893      40     3.92   22.59     .25
Iridium      528           2.0     .0038   3.788     168     1.67   22.56     .26

Brass        125     .20    .55    .0044   1.210     139             8.73
Bronze       120            .800   .0067   2.667     300             8.9
Steel        250     .250   .55    .0022    .605      77             7.9      .30
Stainless    250     .52    .86    .0034   1.479     185             8.0      .30
W-C          650            .345   .00053   .092       5.9          15.63
Si-C         450     -     3.44    .0076  13.100    4100             3.21

Carbon fiber 181           1.600   .0088   7.070    4040             1.75
Kevlar              3.62   3.76
Zylon        180    2.70   5.80                                      1.56

Nanorope   ~1000     -     3.6     .0036    6.5      4980            1.3                Rope made from nanotubes
Nanotube    1000     -    63       .063    1980   1480000            1.34               Carbon nanotube
Graphene    1050     -   160       .152   12190  12190000            1.0
ColossalTube low     -     7                                          .116

Bamboo                      .500                                      .4
Ironwood      21            .181   .0086    .780     650             1.2

Sapphire     345     .4    1.9     .0055   5.232    1315             3.98        .28
Diamond     1220    1.6    2.8     .0023   3.210     920    1200     3.5         .069

           Young's  Yield  Tensile  Tensile  Tough    Tough/  Brinell  Density  Poisson
           modulus         strengh  strain            density (GPa)    (g/cm^3)
            (GPa)   (Gpa)  (GPa)             (kPa)    (J/kg)

High-temperature metals

This table shows the elements with the highest melting points.

Element   Density Melt  Boil  Young Young/   $/kg  ppm in metallic
         (g/cm^3) (K)   (K)    GPa  Density        asteroid

Tungsten   19.25  3693  5828   411   21.4      50     ~ 1
Rhenium    21.0   3459  5869   463   22.0    4600     ~ 1
Osmium     22.59  3306  5285   550   24.3   12000       2
Tantalum   16.7   3290  5731   186   11.1     400     ~  .5
Molybdenum 10.28  2896  4912   329   31.0      21     ~10
Niobium     8.75  2750  5017   105   12.0      40     ~ 3
Iridium    22.4   2739  4701   528   23.6   14000       2
Ruthenium  12.45  2607  4423   447   35.9    5500       5

               Composition  Teslas  kJoules/  kAmps/     Max      Density  Tensile
                                    meter^3   meter  Temperature  (g/cm^3) strength
                                                         (C)               (GPa)
Neodymium       Nd2Fe14B     1.4      440      2000      400       7.4      .075
Samarium-Cobalt SmCo5        1.15     240      1300      800       8.3      .035
Alnico                       1.4       88       275      860
The composition of alnico alloys is typically 8-12% Al, 15-26% Ni, 5-24% Co, up to 6% Cu, up to 1% Ti, and the balance is Fe.

"Temperature" refers to the maximum temperature before the magnet loses its magnetism.


Roman bridge
Incan bridge


Characteristic string tension

For a given instrument there is a characteristic ideal tension for the strings. If the tension is too low or high the string becomes unplayable. The tension can be varied to suit the performer's taste but it can't be changed by an extreme degree.

           String                      Height of   Height of
           length   Tension (Newtons)  top string  bottom string
           (mm)     E   A   D   G   C    (mm)       (mm)
Violin      320    80  50  45  45         3.2        5.2
Viola       388        65  55  55  55     4.8        6.2
Cello       690       160 130 130 130     5.2        8.2
Bass       1060       160 160 160 160
Guitar      650       120 120 120 120
Bass guitar 860       160 160 160 160
The height of the string is the distance from the fingerboard.
Waves on a string

The frequency of a string and the speed of a wave on the string are related by:

                                              Values for a violin A-string

L  =  Length of a string                   =  .32 meters
F  =  Vibration frequency of the string    =  440 Hertz
V  =  Speed of a wave on the string        =  281.6 meters/second
   =  2 F L
For a given instrument and string frequency, the wavespeed is fixed.

The speed of a wave on a string is

WaveSpeed^2  =  Tension / (Density * Pi * Radius^2)
The variables you can vary for a string are {Tension, Density, Radius}. Once you have chosen the frequency and length of the string then these variables are related by
Tension = Constant * Density * Radius^2

The larger the radius the more difficult the string is to play and the more impure the overtones. The radius can be minimized by using a material with a high density. This is why cello, bass, and bass guitar strings are often made of tungsten.

High-density strings are only appropriate for low-frequency strings because they have a low wavespeed. High-frequency strings require a material with low density.

String manufacturers almost never state the density and radius of the string. You can infer the density from the type of metal used, with numbers given the table below.

The speed of sound in air has an analogous form as the speed of a wave on a string.

SoundSpeed^2  =  (7/5) Pressure / Density

String tensile strength

If the tension force on a string exceeds the "Tensile strength" then the string breaks.

Force  =  Force on the string
A      =  Area of the string
S      =  Stress on the string
       =  Force / A
Smax   =  Tensile strength
       =  Maximum string stress before breaking
Z      =  Strength to weight ratio
Z      =  Smax / Density

                 Tensile   Density   Z/10^6   Young's
                 strength                     modulus
                   (GPa)   (g/cm^3)  (J/kg)   (GPa)

Carbon nanotube    7          .116   60.3              Technology not yet developed
Nylon               .045     1.15      .04      5
Kevlar             3.6       1.44     2.5
Zylon              5.8       1.5      3.9
Gut                 .2       1.5       .13      6
Magnesium alloy     .4       1.8       .22
Aluminum            .05      2.7
Titanium alloy      .94      4.5       .21
Nickel              .20      8.9
Chromium            .28      7.2
Steel alloy        2.0       7.9       .25    220
Brass               .55      8.7
Silver              .17     10.5
Tungsten            .55     19.2       .029
Gold                .13     19.3
Osmium             1.0      22.6

Maximum frequency of a string

F    =  String frequency
R    =  String radius
A    =  String cross-sectional area
     =  Pi R^2
D    =  String density
L    =  String length
Force=  String tension force (Newtons)
S    =  Tensile stress (Pascals)
     =  Force / A
Smax =  Maximum string tensile stress before breaking
     =  Tensile strength
V    =  Speed of a wave on the string
     =  SquareRoot(P/D)
Z    =  String strength-to-weight ratio
     =  S/D
Fmax =  Maximum frequency of a string
The maximum frequency of a string happens when S=Smax.
Fmax  =  V / (2L)
      =  SquareRoot(Smax/D) / (2L)
      =  SquareRoot(Z) / (2L)
The maximum frequency of a string depends on the strength-to-weight ratio Z. Values for Z for various string materials are given in the table above. Steel alloy is often used for the highest-frequency strings on a violin or piano.

A space elevator requires a material with Z > 100.

Maximum frequency of a string for various materials
            Gut   Steel   Zylon   Carbon    Tungsten

Violin      563    781    2960    12100       266
Viola       465    644    2440     3160       220
Cello       261    362    1370     5620       123
Bass        170    236     895     3660        80
Guitar      277    385    1519     5973       131
Bass guitar 209    291    1148     4514        99
Frequencies are in Hertz.

Gut was usually used in the Baroque age because steel alloys hadn't been perfected. A-strings were tuned to a frequency of around 420 Hertz. Modern steel made possible the 660 Hertz E-string and the high-frequency strings on a piano.

You can use zylon to make a bass sound like a violin.

Low-frequency strings

Tungsten is a high-density metal that can be used to make low-frequency strings ("Darth Vader" strings). You can make a violin sound like a bass.

The larger the diameter of a string the more difficult it is to play. Diameter sets the lower limit of the frequency of a string.

Frequency = Constant * SquareRoot(Smax/D) / R
String frequency is inversely proportional to radius. A string can be made an octave lower by doubling the radius.

If a string is made of tungsten with a density of 19.25 g/cm^3 then the diameter of the lowest string on each instrument is

              Freq   Length  Diameter
              (Hz)    (mm)    (mm)

Violin G      196     320     .46
Viola C       130     388     .62
Cello C        65     690    1.07
Bass E         41    1060    1.18
Guitar E       82     650     .90
Bass guitar E  41     860    1.7

String diameter

The "Tungsten" lines are string diameters for tungsten and the "Zylon" lines are string diameters for zylon. Tungsten diameters assume a density of 19.3 g/cm^3 and zylon diameters assume a density of 1.5 g/cm^3. The zylon lines cut off at the right at the frequency where the string breaks.

String price

The price is for strings made of gold with a density 19.3 g/cm^3, the same as for tungsten. If the strings are made from iridium or osmium then the metal price is half this. For tungsten strings the price of the tungsten is negligible.

Even though iridium is half the price of gold, gold wire may be cheaper because gold is easier to forge.

              Density   Price
              (g/cm^3)  ($/g)

Zylon           1.5     Cheap
Tungsten       19.2       .05
Gold           19.3     40
Rhenium        21.0     10
Platinum       21.4     80
Iridium        22.4     20
Osmium         22.6     20

String stiffness

When a beam is bent it exerts a restoring force. If a string is too stiff it acts like a beam and becomes impossible to play. The stiffness is inversely proportional to the Young's modulus. This is why metal strings are usually wound around a flexible core.

Examples of beam vibrations.

String winding

Strings typically have a flexible core with a low Young's modulus and a high-density metallic winding.

String inharmonicity

The overtones of an ideal string are exact integer ratios. If the string is non-ideal then the overtones can change. The principal source of non-ideality is the finite thickness of the string. String stiffness also contributes non-ideality.

R    =  String radius
L    =  String length
D    =  String density
Y    =  Young's modulus for the string
Force=  Tension force on the string
N    =  An integer greater than or equal to 1
Fn   =  Frequency of overtone N
     =  N F (1 + C N^2)
C    =  Constant of inharmonicity
     =  Pi^3 R^4 Y / (8 L^2 Force)
If C=0 then there is no inharmonicity and the overtones are exact integer multiples of the fundamental mode. If the string has finite thickness then the frequencies of the overtones shift.

Plucked strings exhibit inharmonicity. Bowed strings are "mode-locked" so that the harmonics are exact integer ratios. Reed instruments and the human voice are also mode locked.

The coefficient of inharmonicity can be expressed in terms of density as

C  =  Pi Force Y / (128 D^2 F^4 L^6)
Increasing the density decreases the inharmonicity.

Low strings are more inharmonic than high strings.

The higher the note you play on a string, the smaller the effective string length and the more inharmonic the note. This is what prevents you from playing notes of arbitrarily high frequency.

The following is a table of inharmonicity coefficients for various instruments. We have assumed standard values for the string tension and we assume the string has the density of steel.

               String   Tension  Frequency  Density  Radius  Young's   C
               length  (Newtons)  (Hertz)   (g/cm^3)  (mm)   modulus
                (mm)                                         (GPa)
Violin E gut     320      80        660      1.5     .31       6     .000026
Violin E steel   320      80        660      7.9     .13     220     .000033
Violin G steel   320      45        196      7.9     .34     220     .00012
Viola C steel    388      55        130      7.9     .47     220     .00019
Cello C steel    690     130         65      7.9     .81     220     .000098
Bass E steel    1060     160         41      7.9     .92     220     .000047
Guitar E steel   650     140         82      7.9     .70     220     .000058
Bass guitar E    860     220         41      7.9    1.34     220     .00017

If we set the frequency shift from inharmonicity equal to the frequency resolution for human hearing,
N^2 C = 1/170

If C=.0001 then N=7.7       (The inharmonicity appears at the 8th overtone)

Instrument size and inharmonicity

The lower the frequency of a string, the more inharmonic it is. Low-frequency strings typically consist of a synthetic core (for elasticity) and an outer metallic winding (for density). You can't use metal for the entire string because metal is too stiff (the Young's modulus is too high.

An ideal core material has a high tensile strengh, so that you can use a small core diameter, and a low Young's modulus, to minimize inharmonicity. The synthetic material that is best suited for this is Vectran (see the table above).

L    =  Length of the string
R    =  Outer radius of the string
r    =  Radius of the inner core
     =  K R               where K is a dimensionless constant
Y    =  Young's modulus of the core material
D    =  Density of the outer winding
Force=  Force on the string
     =  k L               where k is a constant
Y    =  Young's modulus of the core
S    =  Stress on the inner core
     =  Force / (Pi r^2)
s    =  Strain on the inner core
     =  S/Y
C    =  Constant of inharmonicity
     =  Pi^3 R^4 Y / (8 L^2 Force)
     =  Pi Force Y / (128 D^2 F^4 L^6)
The strain should be as large as possible to minimize the Young's modulus, but if it is too large then the string loses functionality. We assume that the strain is a constant value.

For constant string length the ideal force doesn't depend on frequency.

Force / (Pi r^2) = Y s
The larger the value of "r" the lower the value of "Y" and the lower the inharmonicity.

If "r" is too large compared to "R" then the string loses density. We assume that r is is a fixed fraction of R and that r/R ~ 2/5.


Force  =  Pi R^2 4 D F^2 L^2
       =  Pi r^2 Y s
We have
4 D F^2 L^2  =  K^2 Y s
The inharmonicity is
C  =  Pi Force Y / (128 D^2 F^4 L^6)
   =  Pi Force 4 D F^2 L^2 / (128 K^2 s D^2 F^4 L^6)
   =  Pi Force / (32 K^2 D F^2 s L^4)
   =  Constant * Force / (F^2 L^4)
If we assume that
Force = Constant * L
C  =  Constant / (F^2 L^3)
The lowest practical frequency of an instrument scales as L^(-3/2).


Relative inharmonicity  =  1/(Freq^2 Length^3)
The relative inharmonicity of the lowest string for various instruments is given by the following table. The value is similar for all instruments.
              Freq   Length    Relative inharmonicity
              (Hz)    (mm)     = 1/(Freq^2 Length^3)

Violin G      196     320      .00079
Viola C       130     388      .00101
Cello C        65     690      .00072
Bass E         41    1060      .00050
Guitar E       82     650      .00054
Bass guitar E  41     860      .00094

Parameters for low-frequency strings

The following table shows a set of example parameters for low-frequency strings. We assume a core of Vectran (density=1400 kg/m^3) and a winding of osmium (density=22600 kg/m^3).

          Note   Freq   Tension  Core    Core    Outer   Core  Core
                (Hertz)          stress  radius  radius  Young strain
                          (N)    (GPa)   (mm)            (GPa)

Viola       C   130.4     50      .2      .28     .70     70    .0155
Viola       C    65.2     50      .2      .28    1.30     70    .0155
Viola       C    65.2     50     1.0      .126   1.25     70    .0155

History of music

Music eras
 500 - 1400  Medieval
1400 - 1600  Renaissance
1600 - 1760  Baroque         Monteverdi, Vivaldi, Bach, Handel
1720 - 1770  Galant          Gluck
1730 - 1820  Classical       Mozart
1780 - 1910  Romantic        Beethoven, Brahms, Wagner
1890 -  Now  Modern          Prokofiev, Shostakovich

1567 1643  Monteverdi
1637 1707  Buxtehude
1653 1706  Pachelbel
1659 1695  Purcell
1663 1713  Corelli
1671 1751  Albinoni
1678 1741  Vivaldi
1681 1767  Telemann
1685 1750  Bach
1685 1759  Handel
1732 1809  Haydn
1756 1791  Mozart
1770 1827  Beethoven
1782 1840  Paganini
1797 1828  Schubert
1803 1869  Berlioz
1809 1847  Mendelssohn
1810 1849  Chopin
1810 1856  Schumann
1813 1883  Wagner
1813 1901  Verdi
1833 1897  Brahms
1835 1921  Saint-Saens
1838 1920  Bruch
1840 1893  Tchaikovsky
1841 1904  Dvorak
1858 1924  Puccini
1860 1911  Mahler
1862 1918  Debussy
1864 1949  Strauss
1865 1957  Sibelius
1891 1953  Prokofiev
1906 1975  Shostakovich
1873 1943  Rachmaninov
1882 1971  Stravinsky
1910 1981  Barber

Monteverdi   L'Orfeo                    1607    First opera
Purcell      Dido and Aeneas            1683
Handel       Agrippina                  1710
Handel       Giulio Cesare              1724
Handel       Theodora                   1750
Gluck        Orfeo ed Euridice          1762
Gluck        Iphigenie en Tauride       1779
Mozart       The Marriage of Figaro     1786
Mozart       Don Giovanni               1787
Mozart       The Magic Flute            1791
Beethoven    Fidelio                    1805
Rossini      The Barber of Seville      1616
Rossini      Othello                    1816
Rossini      The Thieving Magpie        1817
Rossini      William Tell               1829
Wagner       The Flying Dutchman        1843
Wagner       Tannhauser                 1845
Wagner       Lohengrin                  1850
Verdi        Rigoletto                  1851
Verdi        The Troubadour             1853
Verdi        La Traviata                1853
Offenbach    Orpheus in the Underworld  1858
Berlioz      Les Troyens                1858
Wagner       Tristan and Isolde         1865
Verdi        Don Carlos                 1867
Wagner       Das Rheingold              1869  Ring cycle 1
Wagner       Die Walkure                1870  Ring cycle 2
Verdi        Aida                       1871
Strauss II   Die Fledermaus             1874
Bizet        Carmen                     1875
Wagner       Siegfried                  1876  Ring cycle 3
Wagner       Gotterdammerung            1876  Ring cycle 4
Saint-Saens  Samson and Delilah         1877
Tchaikovsky  Eugene Onegin              1879
Offenbach    The Tales of Hoffman       1881
Wagner       Parsifal                   1882
Delibes      Lakme                      1883
Verdi        Otello                     1887
Humperdinck  Hansel and Gretal          1893
Puccini      La Boheme                  1896
Puccini      Tosca                      1900
Debussy      Pelleas et Melisande       1902
Puccini      Madama Butterfly           1904
Strauss      Salome                     1905
Strauss      Elektra                    1909
Prokofiev    The Love for Three Oranges 1921
Puccini      Turandot                   1926
Britten      Peter Grimes               1945
Bernstein    Candide                    1956

Film Scores
Williams   Star Wars IV              1977
Williams   Star Wars V               1980
Williams   Raiders of the Lost Ark   1981
Williams   Star Wars VI              1983
Williams   Star Wars I               1999
Williams   Star Wars II              2002
Williams   Star Wars III             2005
Williams   Star Wars VII             2015
Williams   The Sorcerer's Stone      2001
Williams   The Prisoner of Azkaban   2004
Goldsmith  The Shadow                1994
Goldsmith  Alien                     1979
Goldsmith  Star Trek I               1979
Goldsmith  Star Trek V               1989
Goldsmith  Total Recall              1990
Goldsmith  U.S. Marshals             1998
Horner     Star Trek II              1982
Horner     Star Trek III             1984
Horner     Aliens                    1986
Horner     Glory                     1989
Horner     Braveheart                1995
Horner     Apollo 13                 1995
Horner     Titanic                   1997
Horner     Troy                      2004
Horner     Avatar                    2009
Horner     The Amazing Spider-Man    2012
Zimmer     The Lion King             1994
Zimmer     Crimson Tide              1995
Zimmer     The Rock                  1996
Zimmer     Mission Impossible II     2000
Zimmer     Gladiator                 2000
Zimmer     Pearl Harbor              2001
Zimmer     Hannibal                  2001
Zimmer     Curse of the Black Pearl  2003
Zimmer     Batman Begins             2005
Zimmer     Dead Man's Chest          2006
Zimmer     The Da Vinci Code         2006
Zimmer     At World's End            2007
Zimmer     The Dark Knight           2008
Zimmer     Angels and Demons         2009
Zimmer     Sherlock Holmes           2009
Zimmer     Inception                 2010
Zimmer     On Stranger Tides         2011
Zimmer     Game of Shadows           2011
Zimmer     The Dark Knight Rises     2012
Zimmer     Man of Steel              2013
Zimmer     The Amazing Spider-Man 2  2014
Zimmer     Age of Extinction         2014
Zimmer     Interstellar              2014
Zimmer     Batman vs. Superman       2016
Kamen      X-Men                     2000
Davis      The Matrix                1999
Doyle      Thor                      2011
Doyle      The Goblet of Fire        2005

History of musical instruments

Stone carving from Ancient Ur
Lyra from ~ 1000 CE
First electric guitar

Replica of an early piano
Side view of a modern piano

Broadwood piano hammer design
Erard piano hammer design
Modern piano hammer design

Baroque violin bow
Modern violin bow

-2500  An ensemble of lyres was played in the ancient city of Ur, including
       lyres, harps, flutes, and reed instruments.
 1000  Bowed instruments first developed, such as the Lyre
 1200  The guitar comes into use in Europe
 1555  Amati develops the four-string violin
 1700  Cristofori develops the first piano, an instrument where the string is
       struck by a hammer.  Early pianos had 5 octaves
 1785  Tourte develops the modern bow
 1810  Broadwood develops a 6-octave piano
 1820  Broadwood develops a 7-octave piano
 1821  Erard develops the double-escapement mechanism for the piano, a
       device that permitted repeating a note even if the key had not yet risen
       to its maximum vertical position. This facilitated rapid playing
       of repeated notes.
 1835  Tuba invented
 1847  Boehm advances the design of the flute, including a switch from wood to metal
 1931  Beauchamp builds the first electric guitar

Baroque flute
Meyer flute from somewhere between 1850 and 1890
Modern flute

Floth oboe from 1805
Sydney Town Hall Grand Organ
Electric sitar

Clarinet from 1760
Boehm clarinet
Modern clarinet

Baroque guitar
Baroque violin

A harpshichord string is plucked and a piano string is hammered. A harpsichord can't vary its volume.

The strings in a piano exert a force of 20 tons.

The Sydney Town Hall Grand Organ has pipes that are 64 feet long, which corresponds to a frequency of 8.5 Hertz.

Contrabass instruments

Viola da spalla
Acoustic bass guitar
Contrabass tuba

Contrabass flute
Subcontrabass flute
Contrabass clarinet
Contrabass bassoon

Contrabass saxophone
Subcontrabass saxophone

Hermann von Helmholtz

Invented the opthalmascope, an instrument for examining the inside of the eye.

Developed theories of eye focus, depth perception, color vision, and motion perception.

Invented the "Helmholtz resonator" for measuring the frequency spectrum of sound.

Discovered the shape of the oscillation of a violin string.

Demonstrated that different combinations of resonators could mimic vowel sounds.

Measured the speed of neurons.

Developed the principle of conservation of energy and demonstrated that it applies to mechanics, heat, light, electricity and magnetism.

Demonstrated that muscle metabolism conserves energy.

Invented the field of psychology with his student Wilhelm Wundt.

In 1863, Helmholtz published "On the Sensations of Tone", which became the standard reference for the next century.

Students: Max Planck, Heinrich Kayser, Eugen Goldstein, Wilhelm Wien, Arthur Konig, Henry Augustus Rowland, Albert A. Michelson, Wilhelm Wundt, Fernando Sanford and Michael I. Pupin.


Pythagoreans celebrate sunrise, painting by Fyodor Bronnikov (1827-1902)
Pythagoreans on a 3rd century coin

Andrea Amati

Amati (1505-1577) lived in Cremona, Italy, and developed the first violins, violas, and cellos.

This violin, now at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, may have been part of a set made for the marriage of Philip II of Spain to Elisabeth of Valois in 1559, which would make it one of the earliest known violins in existence.


Ideal gas law
P  =  Pressure
T  =  Temperature
Vol=  Volume
N  =  Number of gas molecules within the volume
k  =  Boltzmann constant
   =  1.38*10^-23 Joules/Kelvin

Ideal gas law:    (derivation)

P Vol = k T N
If we replace N with Moles then we obtain the form used in chemistry.
N  =  Moles * 6.62*10^23        (Avogadro's number)

P Vol =  8.3  Moles  T
History of the discovery of gas laws:
1660  Boyle law          P Vol     =  Constant            at fixed T
1802  Charles law        T Vol     =  Constant            at fixed P
1802  Gay-Lussac law     T P       =  Constant            at fixed Vol
1811  Avogadro law       Vol / N   =  Constant            at fixed T and P
1834  Clapeyron law      P Vol / T =  Constant            combined ideal gas law
Boyle's law
Charles' law

Kinetic energy of a gas molecule
M       =  Mass of a gas molecule
Vthermal=  Characteristic thermal speed of gas molecules
E       =  Mean kinetic energy of a gas molecule
        =  1/2 M V^2
Density =  N M / Vol
e       =  Kinetic energy per volume
        =  N E / Vol
For a system in thermodynamic equilibrium each degree of freedom has a mean energy of .5 k T.

A gas molecule moving in 3 dimensions has 3 degrees of freedom and so the mean kinetic energy is

E  =  1.5 k T  =  .5 M Vthermal^2
The ideal gas law can be written in the form
P Vol = (1/3) N M Vthermal^2

P  =  (1/3) Density Vthermal^2

Gas simulation at phet.colorado.edu

Speed of sound

The speed of sound is

Sound speed  =  ( Gamma * Pressure / Density )^{1/2}
where Gamma is the adiabatic constant, equal to 7/5 for air. This is because diatomic molecules such as nitrogen and oxygen have an adiabatic constant of 7/5.

Using the ideal gas law,

Sound speed  =  ( Gamma Vthermal^2 / 3 )^{1/2}
             =  .68 Vthermal
The sound speed is proportional to the thermal speed of gas molecules.

If we express the ideal gas law in terms of density,

Pressure / Density  =  k T / M
The sound speed is
Sound speed  =  ( Gamma * Pressure / Density )^{1/2}
             =  ( Gamma k T / M )^{1/2}
For air, sound speed depends only on temperature.

We can change the sound speed by using a gas with a different value of M.

                   M in atomic mass units

Helium atom                4
Neon atom                 20
Nitrogen molecule         28
Oxygen molecule           32
Argon atom                40
Krypton atom              84
Xenon atom               131
A helium atom has a smaller mass than a nitrogen molecule and hence has a higher sound speed. This is why the pitch of your voice increases if you inhale helium. Inhaling xenon makes you sound like Darth Vader.

History of the speed of sound
1635   Gassendi measures the speed of sound to be 478 m/s with 25% error.
1660   Viviani and Borelli produce the first accurate measurement of the speed of
       sound, giving a value of 350 m/s.
1660   Hooke's law published.  The force on a spring is proportional to the change
       in length.
1662   Boyle discovers that for air at fixed temperature,
       Pressure * Volume = Constant
1687   Newton publishes the Principia Mathematica, which contains the first analytic
       calculation of the speed of sound.  The calculated value was 290 m/s.
Newton's calculation was correct if one assumes that a gas behaves like Boyle's law and Hooke's law.

The fact that Newton's calculation differed from the measured speed is due to the fact that air consists of diatomic molecules (nitrogen and oxygen). This was the first solid clue for the existence of atoms, and it also contained a clue for quantum mechanics.

In Newton's time it was not known that changing the volume of a gas changes its temperature, which modifies the relationship between density and pressure. This was discovered by Charles in 1802 (Charles' law).

Newton's calculation for the speed of sound

Hooke's law for a spring
Wave in a continuum
Gas molecules

Because of Hooke's law, springs oscillate with a constant frequency.

X = Displacement of a spring
V = Velocity of the spring
A = Acceleration of the spring
F = Force on the spring
M = Spring mass
Q = Spring constant
q = (K/M)^(1/2)
t = time
T = Spring oscillation period
Hooke's law and Newton's law:
F  =  - Q X  =  M A

A  =  - (Q/M) X  =  - q^2 X
This equation is solved with
X  =      sin(q t)
V  =  q   cos(q t)
A  = -q^2 sin(q t)  =  - q^2 X
The oscillation period of the spring is
T  =  2 Pi / q
   =  2 Pi (M/Q)^(1/2)

According to Boyle's law, a gas functions like a spring and hence a gas oscillates like a spring. An oscillation in a gas is a sound wave.

For a gas,

P   =  Pressure
dP  =  Change in pressure
Vol =  Volume
dVol=  Change in volume
If you change the volume of a gas according to Boyle's law,
P Vol            =  Constant
P dVol + Vol dP  =  0

dP = - (P/Vol) dVol
The change in pressure is proportional to the change in volume. This is equivalent to Hooke's law, where pressure takes the role of force and the change in volume takes the role of displacement of the spring. This is the mechanism behind sound waves.

In Boyle's law, the change in volume is assumed to be slow so the gas has time to equilibrate temperature with its surroundings. In this case the temperature is constant as the volume changes and the change is "isothermal".

P Vol = Constant
If the change in volume is fast then the walls do work on the molecules, changing their temperature. If there isn't enough time to equilibrate temperature with the surroundings then the change is "adiabatic". You can see this in action with the "Gas" simulation at phet.colorado.edu. Moving the wall changes the thermal speed of molecules and hence the temperature.

If a gas consists of pointlike particles then

Vol =  Volume of the gas
Ek  =  Total kinetic energy of gas molecules within the volume
E   =  Total energy of gas molecules within the volume
    =  Kinetic energy plus the energy from molecular rotation and vibration
dE  =  Change in energy as the volume changes
P   =  Pressure
dP  =  Change in pressure as the volume changes
D   =  Density
C   =  Speed of sound in the gas
d   =  Number of degrees of freedom of a gas molecule
    =  3 for a monotomic gas such as Helium
    =  5 for a diatomic gas such as nitrogen
G   =  Adiabatic constant
    =  1 + 2/d
    =  5/3 for a monatomic gas
    =  7/5 for a diatomic gas
k   =  Boltzmann constant
T   =  Temperature
The ideal gas law is
P Vol =  (2/3) Ek                    (Derived in www.jaymaron.com/gas/gas.html)
This law is equivalent to the formula that appears in chemistry.
P Vol = Moles R T
For a gas in thermal equilibrium each degree of freedom has a mean energy of .5 k T. For a gas of pointlike particles (monotomic) there are three degrees of freedom, one each for motion in the X, Y, and Z direction. In this case d=3. The mean kinetic energy of each gas molecule is 3 * (.5 k T). The total mean energy of each gas molecule is also 3 * (.5 k T).

For a diatomic gas there are also two rotational degrees of freedom. In this case d=5.

In general,

Ek  =  3 * (.5 k T)
E   =  d * (.5 k T)

Ek  =  (3/d) E
If you change the volume of a gas adiabatically, the walls change the kinetic and rotational energy of the gas molecules.
dE  =  -P dVol
The ideal gas law in terms of E instead of Ek is
P Vol =  (2/d) E

dP  =  (2/d) (dE/Vol - E dVol/Vol^2)
    =  (2/d) [-P dVol/Vol - (d/2) P dVol/Vol]
    = -(1+2/d) P dVol/Vol
    = - G P dVol/Vol
This equation determines the speed of sound in a gas.
C^2  =  G P / D
For air,
P = 1.01e5 Newtons/meter^2
D = 1.2    kg/meter^3
Newton assumed G=1 from Boyle's law and calculated the speed of sound in air to be
C  =  290 m/s
The correct value for air is G=7/5, which gives a sound speed of
C = 343 m/s
which is in accord with the measurement.

For a gas, G can be measured by measuring the sound speed. The results are

Helium     5/3    Monatomic molecule
Argon      5/3    Monatonic molecule
Air        7/5    4/5 Nitrogen and 1/5 Oxygen
Oxygen     7/5    Diatomic molecule
Nitrogen   7/5    Diatomic molecule
The fact that G is not equal to 1 was the first solid evidence for the existence of atoms and it also contained a clue for quantum mechanics. If a gas is a continuum (like Hooke's law) it has G=1 and if it consists of pointlike particles (monatonic) it has G=5/3. This explains helium and argon but not nitrogen and oxygen. Nitrogen and oxygen are diatomic molecules and their rotational degrees of freedom change Gamma.
                             Kinetic degrees   Rotational degrees    Gamma
                                of freedom         of freedom
Monatonic gas                      3                  0               5/3
Diatomic gas  T < 1000 K           3                  2               7/5
Diatomic gas, T > 1000 K           3                  3               4/3
Quantum mechanics freezes out one of the rotation modes at low temperature. Without quantum mechanics, diatomic molecules would have Gamma=4/3 at room temperature.

The fact that Gamma=7/5 for air was a clue for the existence of both atoms, molecules, and quantum mechanics.

Molecule with thermal vibrations

Dark energy

For dark energy,

E  =  Energy
dE =  Change in energy
e  =  Energy density
Vol=  Volume
P  =  Pressure
The volume expands as the universe expands.

As a substance expands it does work on its surroundings according to its pressure.

dE = - P dVol
For dark energy, the energy density "e" is constant in space and so
dE = e dVol
P = - e
Dark energy has a negative pressure, which means that it behaves differently from a continuum and from particles.

Dark matter consists of pointlike particles but they rarely interact with other particles and so they exert no pressure.

Table of contents