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Rocket types

Chemical rocket
Fission thermal hydrogen rocket
Solar thermal hydrogen rocket
Ion rocket
Fusion rocket
Fission afterburner
Alpha rocket

The rockets that are possible with current technology are:

Chemical             React chemicals, for example hydrogen + oxygen
Thermal hydrogen     Hydrogen exhaust is heated with nuclear or solar power
Ion rocket           Accelerate ions, powered by electricity from nuclear or solar
Fusion bomb rocket   Can move large objects like asteroids
Fission afterburner  Neutrons trigger fission in the exhaust
Alpha rocket         A radioisotope emits alpha particles as exhaust

Exhaust speed

The possible energy sources are:

Chemical        H2+O2, Kerosene+O2, or solid fuel (Al+NH4NO3)
Fission         Uranium-235, Plutonium-239, Americium-242m, Beryllium-7
Radioactivity   Plutonium-238, Cobalt-60, Lead-210
Solar           Photovoltaic cells or solar mirror heat
Fusion          A fusion bomb using Deuterium + Lithium-6

The maximum exhaust speed is given by the energy/mass of the energy source.

Exhaust speed   =  V
Energy/Mass     =  e  =  ½ V2

This is the "perfect" exhaust speed. In practice the exhaust speed is less.

Energy                      Practical   Perfect   Energy/Mass
source                       exhaust    exhaust
                              speed      speed
                              km/s       km/s      MJoule/kg

Fusion       Deuterium+Li6    6900      23000   270000000
Fission      Uranium-235      4000      12000    74000000
Fission      Plutonium-239    4000      12000    76000000
Radioactive  Plutonium-238      50       2100     2300000
Chemical     Hydrogen+O2         4.4        5.1        13.2
Chemical     Methane +O2         3.7        4.7        11.1
Chemical     Kerosene+O2         3.3        4.5        10.3
Chemical     Al+NH4NO3           2.7        3.7         6.9

Rocket properties

The relationship between rocket quantities is:

Exhaust speed       =  V
Exhaust energy/mass =  e  =  ½V2
Exhaust power/mass  =  p  =  ½V2/T  =  e/T
Burn time           =  T
Acceleration        =  A  =  2p/V  =  V/T  

"Burn time" is the time for a rocket to expel its own mass of propellant. The shorter the burn time the better.

For ion drives the exhaust speed is customizable. The power/mass is fixed and there is a tradeoff between exhaust speed and acceleration. In the table below we choose a burn time of 107 seconds (3 months) for ion rockets.

It is difficult to make a rocket with both large power/mass and large exhaust speed. Fusion bombs qualify but they can only be used to move large objects like asteroids.

Rocket type               Exhaust  Power/Mass  Acceleration   Burn time
                           km/s     Watts/kg    meters/s/s     seconds

Chemical, Hydrogen+O2           4.4   1700000    770                5.6
Chemical, Methane +O2           3.7   2500000   1350                2.7
Chemical, Kerosene+O2           3.3   5000000   3030                1.1
Chemical, Al+NH4NO3             2.5   9000000   7200                 .3   Solid fuel

Fission thermal H2              9      160000     36              253     A fission reactor heats H2
Fission thermal H              13       70000     11             1200     A fission reactor heats atomic hydrogen

Ion drive                      45         100       .0045    10000000

Fission afterburner, Am-242m   93         200       .0043    22000000
Fission afterburner, Pu-239    30         200       .013      2200000
Fission afterburner, Be-7     134         200       .0030    45000000
Fission afterburner, He-3      40         200       .010      4000000
Fission afterburner, Li-6      31         200       .013      2400000
Fission afterburner, B-10      35         200       .011      3100000

Alpha, Po-210                  77         171       .0016    12000000     Half life   .38   years
Alpha, Ca-248                  71          60       .002     28700000     Half life   .91   years
Alpha, Ca-252                  68          19       .00019   82000000     Half life  2.6    years
Alpha, Pb-210                  77           2.9     .000075 730000000     Half life 22.3    years
Alpha, U-230                  200        7000                             Half life   .0554 years
Alpha, Th-228                 180         170       .0019    62000000     Half life  1.91   years
Alpha, Ra-228                 180          57       .00063  190000000     Half life  5.75   years
Alpha, Ac-227                 180          15       .00017  710000000     Half life 21.8    years
Alpha, U-232                  200           5.7                           Half life 68.9    years

Fission bomb                Large       Large   Large           Short
Fusion bomb                 Large       Large   Large           Short       Deuterium + Lithium-6

Solar sail                 300000      228000       .00152

Chemical rockets
Dodecane (kerosene)
NH4NO3 (solid fuel)

The chemical rocket with the fastest exhaust is hydrogen+oxygen (HOX). It is the most expensive chemical rocket because hydrogen has to be liquefied at 20 Kelvin. Because the liquid hydrogen has low density, HOX can't be used for the first stage of a ground rocket, but it can be used for upper stages. HOX is easy in space.

Kerosene is often used because it's liquid at room temperature. Methane is slightly better than kerosene but it must be stored as a liquid at 112 Kelvin.

Solid fuel is cheap, simple, and reliable, and is often used for the first stage.

Fuel     Exhaust    Fuel    Fuel boiling
          speed    density     point
         (km/s)   (g/cm3)      (K)

Hydrogen    4.4     .07       20     Complex because of the low boiling point of hydrogen
Methane     3.7     .42      112     New technology pioneered by SpaceX
Kerosene    3.3     .80      410     Simple because kerosene is a liquid at room temperature
Solid fuel  2.7    1.2         -     Simple and cheap.  Often Aluminum + NH4NO3

Air launch

The Kingfisher, the first ramjet, built in 1951
SR-71 Blackbird ramjet

In air launch, an aircraft launches a rocket at high altitude. Air launch has advantages over ground launch, such as:

*) The aircraft speed adds to the rocket speed.

*) Less air drag. Air at 15 km has 1/4 the density of air at sea level.

*) The rocket can be launched at the equator so that the Earth's equatorial speed adds to the rocket speed.

*) Ramjet launch makes it possible to reach orbit with cheap solid rockets.

                              Speed    Speed
                              (km/s)   (Mach)

Earth rotation at equator        .46   1.6
Turbofan aircraft                .27     .9
Ramjet aircraft                 1.5     5
Scramjet aircraft              >1.5    >5
Solid rocket exhaust            2.7     9
Kerosene rocket exhaust         3.3    11
Hydrogen+Oxygen rocket exhaust  4.4    15
low Earth orbit                 7.8    26.4

At present, turbofan aircraft are being built for launching rockets, and in the near future ramjet aircraft will be used. For ramjet launch:

Stage   Type           Speed increase   End speed
                            km/s           km/s

  0     Equator motion        .45          .45
  1     Ramjet               1.55         2.0
  2     Solid rocket         4.0          6.0
  3     HOX                  2.0          8.0       Orbit speed

Fission thermal hydrogen rocket

A fission thermal hydrogen rocket uses fission to heat hydrogen propellant. It has a higher exhaust speed than chemical rockets (13 km/s vs. 4 km/s).

In a chemical rocket the energy comes from a chemical reaction and this puts an upper limit on the exhaust speed. Reacting hydrogen and oxygen gives an exhaust speed of 4.4 km/s. Nuclear power can reach higher exhaust speed.

Rocket type               Exhaust speed (km/s)

Nuclear    Fission thermal H         13
Nuclear    Fission thermal H2         9
Chemical   Hydrogen + Oxygen          4.4
Chemical   Methane  + Oxygen          3.7
Chemical   Kerosene + Oxygen          3.3
Chemical   Solid fuel                 2.7

Hydrogen is used for its low mass. The lower the mass of the propellant molecule, the higher the exhaust speed.

Exhaust speed is determined by temperature. For a temperature of 2750 Kelvin, the speed of monatomic hydrogen propellant is 13 km/s.

Monatomic hydrogen mass=  M  =1.66⋅10-27 kg
Temperature            =  T  =     2750 Kelvin
Exhaust speed          =  V  =       13 km/s
Boltzmann constant     =  k  =1.38⋅10-23 Joules/Kelvin
Exhaust constant       =  K  =  ½ M V2 / (1.5 k T)  =  2.46

At 2750 Kelvin,

Molecule   Mass  Exhaust speed
           AMU       km/s

H            1        13.0
H2           2         9.2
H2O         18         3.1

H2 dissociates into atomic H at high temperature and low density. A thermal rocket has two modes: use H2, which has high pressure and high power/mass, or use H, which has low pressure and low power/mass. The low-pressure mode still has enough power/mass to propel humans to the outer planets.

In a mirror rocket, a space mirror focuses sunlight onto hydrogen propellant.

High-temperature fission reactor

The fission material with the highest melting point is uranium oxide, which melts at 3138 Kelvin. Achieving a higher temperature requires liquid fission fuel that's embedded in a material with a higher melting point. The materials with the highest melting points are:

                         Melt    Boil
                        Kelvin  Kelvin

  HfCN                   4400
  Ta4HfC5                4263
  Hafnium carbide HfC    4201
  Tantalum carbide TaC   4150
  Niobium carbide NbC    3881
  Zirconium carbide ZrC  3805    5370
  Carbon (graphite)      3800
  Tungsten               3695    6203

Solar mirror thermal rocket

A thin film mirror can focus sunlight and heat hydrogen. The power/mass of the rocket is limited by the power/mass of the mirror. JPL designed a mirror with the goal of minimizing mass/area.

Solar flux        =  f         =  1365  Watts/meter2
Mirror mass/area  =  d         =  .006  kg/meter2
Mirror power/mass =  p  = f/d  =228000  Watts/kg

The mirror consists of mylar coated with aluminum.

Mylar density      =  1.39 g/cm3
Aluminum density   =  2.70 g/cm3
Mylar thickness    =  .025 mm
Aluminum thickness =  .010 mm

Ion drive

An ion drive uses electric power to accelerate ions. Electric power can come from nuclear fission, radioactivity, or solar cells. The ion speed is customizable. It should be at least as large as 20 km/s otherwise you might as well use a chemical or thermal rocket. The upper limit is given by the mission duration. We calculate the ion speed assuming a Plutonium-238 heat source and a burn time of 107 seconds.

Heat source Power/Mass =  P           =   567    Watts/kg     Plutonium-238
Electrical efficiency  =  D           =      .05              Convert heat to electricity
Drive efficiency       =  d           =      .6               Convert electricity to ion energy
Electric Power/Mass    =  p  = edP    =    28    Watts/kg
Burn time              =  T           =    10    Million seconds  =  3 months
Ion speed              =  V  = (2pT)½ =    24    km/s
Ion Energy/Mass        =  e  = pT     =   280    MJoules/kg

Power in space

Power in space is usually limited by cooling. For an electric generator that is closed-cycle and doesn't expel mass, cooling is limited by blackbody radiation and the maximum power/mass is determined by temperature. An example of an open-cycle system is a thermal hydrogen rocket, where the expelled mass serves as coolant and the power/mass can be much higher than for a closed-cycle system.

Solar cells

Solar panels on the space station

The power/mass of solar cells depends on distance from the sun. At the Earth, solar cells have similar power/mass as nuclear, and beyond the Earth, solar cells are worse than nuclear.

Location   Power/Mass   Distance from sun
            Watts/kg          AU

Earth         100           1
Mars           43           1.52
Ceres          13           2.77
Jupiter         3.7         5.2


Thermoelectric generator
Stirling engine
Stirling engine
Nuclear reactor

Heat can be converted to electricity with a Stirling engine, a thermoelectric generator, or photovoltaics. Usually the generator and cooling system have more mass than the heat source. Heat comes from fission or radioactivity.

Examples of existing space generators:

Heat source    Generator   Electricity  Heat source   Electric     Fuel      Total
                            Watts/kg     Watts/kg    efficiency  fraction  efficiency

Uranium-235    Brayton         195                    .25                          SAFE-400 reactor
Uranium-235    Stirling         44        991         .23        .193     .044     Kilopower reactor
Plutonium-238  Thermoelectric    5.3      567         .068       .137     .0093    GPHS-RTG. Galileo and Cassini
Plutonium-238  Thermoelectric    4.2      567         .062       .119     .0074    Voyager 1 and Voyager 2
Plutonium-238  Thermoelectric    2.8      567                             .049     MMRTG. Curiosity rover

Features of the Kilopower reactor:

*) Fuel cast as Uranium-Molybdenum alloy. Molybdenum has a melting point of 2896 Kelvin.
*) Beryllium oxide moderator, which has a melting point of 2780 Kelvin.
*) Boron carbide control rods, with a melting point of 3036 Kelvin.
*) Passive cooling with liquid sodium coolant, which melts at 371 Kelvin and boils at 1156 Kelvin.
*) Cannot melt down because the reaction rate decreases with increasing temperature.
*) Stirling engine to convert heat to electricity.



The most important radioactive isotopes for power are:

Plutonium-241     Good balance of power/mass and half life.  Easy to produce.
Curium-244        Good balance of power/mass and half life.
Strontium-90      Abundant because it's present in burnt fission fuel.
Polonium-210      Alpha rocket
Lead-210          Alpha rocket
Thorium-228       Alpha rocket
Caesium-137       Abundant because it's present in burnt fission fuel.
Plutonium-238     Outperforms Strontium-90. Has to be bred in a reactor.
Cobalt-60         Larger power/mass than plutonium-238. Easily produced with neutron transmutation.
Scandium-46       Ludicrously high power/mass, and easily produced by neutron transmutation.
Californium-252   Superlatively large power/mass. Capable of powering an Iron Man suit.
Curium-252        Decays by spontaneous fission 3% of the time
Curium-254        Decays primarily by spontaneous fission

                  Half life    Heat      Decay      Decay    Obtainable by
                    year      Watt/kg                MeV     neutron transmutation

 Californium-254       .166 11200000    Fission      207      *
 Scandium-46           .229   485000    β              2.366  *
 Polonium-210          .379   144000    α              5.41   *
 Ruthenium-106        1.023    71200    2β             3.584  *
 Californium-252      2.64     41400    α or Fission  12.33   *   α 96.9% (6.12 Mev). Fission 3.09% (207 MeV)
 Cobalt-60            5.27     19300    β              2.82   *
 Osmium-194           6.02      4313    2β             2.330  *
 Lead-210            22.3       2907    α              9.100  *
 Plutonium-238       87.7        578    α              5.59   *
 Americium-242m     141          725    2α            12.33   *
 Curium-250        8300          170    Fission      148      *   Fission 74%, Alpha 18%, Beta 8%

 Beryllium-7           .146  1822000    EC              .547
 Sodium-22            2.6      68700    β+ or EC       2.842

 Uranium-230           .0554 9280000    6α+2&beta
 Thorium-228          1.912   235000    5α+2&beta         34.784
 Radium-228           5.75     90660    5α+4&beta         40.198
 Polonium-208         2.898             α
 Actinium-227        21.8      21600    5α+3&beta         36.18
 Uranium-232         68.9       7545    6α+2&beta         40.79
 Radium-226        1599          286    5α+4&betz         34.958
 Thorium-229       7917           57.7  5α+3&beta         35.366
 Protactinium-231 32600           16.2  6α+3&beta         41.3

High-temperature radioisotopes

For a heat engine, the higher the temperature, the more efficient. High temperature also means higher radiative cooling power. Isotopes with a high boiling point are:

              Half life     Heat      Decay  Decay energy   Melt    Boil    Obtainable by
                year       Watt/kg               MeV       Kelvin  Kelvin   neutron transmutation

Uranium-230           .0554 9280000    6α                    1405    4404
Tungsten-188          .191   148700    2Beta                 3695    6203    *
Tantalum-182          .313    68866    Beta                  3290    5731    *
Tungsten-181          .332    59200    EC        1.732       3695    6203    *
Iridium-194m          .468    50400    Gamma     2.229       2719    4403    *
Rhodium-102           .557    67000    Beta+                 2237    3968
Ruthenium-106        1.023    71200    2Beta     3.584       2607    4423    *
Hafnium-172          1.87     11700    EC        1.835       2506    4876
Thorium-228          1.912   235000    5α       34.784       2023    5061
Rhodium-101          4.07      9890    EC        1.980       2237    3968
Osmium-194           6.02      4313    2Beta     2.33        3306    5285    *
Actinium-227        21.8      12000    5α       36.18        1500    3500
Uranium-232         68.9       7545    6α       40.79        1405    4404
Thorium-229       7917           57.7  5α+3&beta         35.366     2023   5061
Protactinium-231 32600           16.2  6α+3&beta         41.33      1841   4300

Neutron transmutation

Neutron capture transmutes an isotope one space to the right and beta decay transmutes an isotope one space up.

The most massive nuclei that exist naturally are thorium-232, uranium-235, or uranium-238. All are unstable but have half lives larger than 700 million years. The road starts with these isotopes and then adding neutrons transmutes them according to the orange lines. The road forks at beta isotopes, which can either beta decay or capture a neutron.

The end of the road is fermium. Neutrons can't further increase the proton number because no fermium isotopes on the road beta decay. The road goes as far as fermium-258, which has a half life of .00037 seconds and spontaneously fissions. Producing heavier isotopes requires an accelerator or an extreme neutron flux (such as occurs in a fission bomb).

TRIGA nuclear reactor

A TRIGA reactor doesn't melt down if the cooling system fails because it's engineered to turn off if it overheats. It's also designed so that adding and removing fuel elements is easy. The reactor is easy to build and can be operated in space.

Fusion rocket
A fission or fusion bomb delivers both high power/mass and high exhaust speed. For fusion bombs,

Fusion bomb maximum practical yield =     =  e           = 21700  GJoules/kg
Mass fraction converted to energy   =  f  =  e/C2  =.00072
Exhaust speed                       =  V  =  (2e)½ =  6588  km/s

Mass is usually added to the bomb to increase momentum and decrease exhaust speed. Or, the bomb is detonated underground in an asteroid, which adds mass.

Alpha rocket

Alpha particles can be used as exhaust. An alpha emitter is coated on a mylar sail, with the coating thin enough so that most of the alphas escape into space. This rocket is simple and can be made arbitrarily small.

The recoil momentum of the nucleus is absorbed by the sail and the recoil speed of the nucleus is the effective exhaust speed. For example, polonium-208 alpha decays to lead-204 and the recoil speed of lead-204 is:

Alpha mass             =  m           =    4 AMU  =  6.64⋅10-27 kg
lead-204 mass          =  M           =  204 AMU
Alpha energy           =  e  = ½ m v2 = 5.22 MeV       The alpha gets almost all the kinetic energy
Alpha speed            =  v  = (2e/m)½=15871 km/s
lead-204 recoil speed  =  V  = vm/M   =  311 km/s

The speed calculated is for the most fortunate case where the alpha goes directly aft of the spacecraft. Calculating the average recoil speed involves integrating over all emission directions and accounting for absorption by the emitting material. In the ideal case, all particles emitted in the aft hemisphere escape and all particles emitted in the forward hemisphere are absorbed, in which case the effective recoil speed is 1/4 the fortunate speed. For polonium-208 the effective recoil speed is 78 km/s.

To calculate the power/mass of an alpha rocket,

Speed of projectile                =  v
Speed of emitter (recoil)          =  V
Mass of projectile                 =  m =   4 AMU
Mass of emitter                    =  M = 204 AMU
Energy of projectile               =  e = ½mv2
Energy of emitter                  =  E = ½MV2
Momentum of projectile             =  q
Perfect exhaust speed              =  S = q/M
Effective exhaust speed            =  s = S/4
Effective exhaust energy           =  g = ½Ms2
Exhaust energy / Decay energy      =  r = g/e = 16-1 m/M

For a polonium-208 alpha rocket, the power/mass and energy/mass are:

Effective recoil speed  =  V         =  78 km/s
Energy/Mass             =  e  = ½V2  =3042 MJoules/kg
Half life               =  T         =2.90 years
Power/Mass              =  p  = e/t  =  33 Watts/kg

The lighter the isotope the larger the recoil speed. Almost all alpha emitters are actinides, the only exceptions being gadolinium-148, polonium-208, polonium-209, and polonium-210. Alpha rockets using actinides have an average recoil speed of ~75 km/s.

The best alpha-emitting isotopes are:

               Half life  Power/Mass  Decay   Energy   Neutron transmutable
                  year     Watts/kg            MeV

Polonium-210          .379   144000    α       5.41     *
Einsteinium-254       .755   105432    α       6.616    *
Californium-248       .91     59760    α       6.36
Californium-252      2.64     21640    α       6.12     *
Polonium-208         2.898             α
Californium-250    13.1        5779    α       6.02     *
Curium-244         18.1        4014    α       5.80     *
Curium-243         29.1        1885    α
Lead-210           22.3        2907    α       9.100    *
Gadolinium-148     70.9         952    α       3.18
Plutonium-238      87.7         578    α       5.59     *
Americium-242m    141           725    2α      12.33    *

Thorium-227           .0512 9194000    6α+2β   36.14
Uranium-230           .0554 9280000    6α+2β
Thorium-228          1.912   235000    5α+2β   34.784
Radium-228           5.75     90660    5α+4β   40.198
Actinium-227        21.8      21600    5α+3β   36.18
Uranium-232         68.9       7545    6α+2β   40.79
Radium-226        1599          286    5α+4β   34.958
Thorium-229       7917           57.7  5α+3β   35.366
Protactinium-231 32600           16.2  6α+3β   41.33

Stopping length

A charged particle passing through matter loses energy from collisions with electrons, with the energy loss rate given by the Bethe formula. For an alpha particle passing through water,

Particle energy            =  E              =      6  MeV
Particle mass              =  M              =      4  AMU
Particle charge            =  Z              =      2  Proton charges
Material density           =  D              =   1000  g/cm2
Stopping distance          =  X = EZ-2M-1D-1C =   .049  meters      (Inputs in MeV, AMU, and g/cm3. Output in meters)
Material stopping constant =  C              =.000131
Stopping power             =  S              = 778000  MeV meter2
Mass/Area                  =  m = DX         =   .049  kg/meter2

Rocket engines

Hydrogen + Oxygen rocket

                         Sea level Vacuum                 Thrust
                  Fuel    Exhaust  Exhaust  Mass  Thrust  /mass
                           km/s     km/s      kg    kN    N/kg

Waxwing           Solid             2.72      87    29.4   345
Atlas V           Solid             2.70          1270           40.8 tons with fuel
P230              Solid             2.80          6472           268 tons with fuel. Ariane rocket
Shuttle booster   Solid    2.42     2.68         12500   21200   590 tons with fuel
Merlin 1D         Kerosine 2.76     3.05     630   801    1300   Falcon rocket. Diameter 1.676 m
Merlin 2          Kerosine          3.16          8540           In development by SpaceX. Falcon Heavy
Raptor            Methane           3.7           8200           In development by SpaceX
Snecma HM7B       HOX               4.3      165    64.8   400   Ariane rocket
RL-10A            HOX               4.42     167    99.1   606   Atlas V. Diameter = 2.13 meters
RL10B-2           HOX               4.547    277   110     406   Atlas V and Delta IV rockets

Mitsubishi LE-5B  HOX               4.38     285   137.2   490
Mitsubishi LE-7A  HOX               4.31    1800  1098     620
Vulcain 2         HOX               4.20    1800  1359     755   Ariane rocket. Diameter = 1.76 m
Shuttle engine    HOX      3.56     4.44    3500  1700     496
RS-68             HOX               4.02    6600  3370     520   Most powerful HOX rocket

HOX      = liquid hydrogan + liquid oxygen
Kerosine = kerosine        + liquid oxygen
Solid    = aluminum        + ammonium perchlorate (N H4 Cl O4)
Methane  = methane         + liquid oxygen

Rockets for reaching low Earth orbit
                     Mass  Thrust   Payload  Payload
                     kkg     MN       kkg      $/kg

Space Shuttle        1710   25         93.
SpaceX Falcon 9       506    6.67      13.15   4109
SpaceX Falcon Heavy  1421   22.8       63.8    2350
Saturn V             2800   34        118      9915
Ariane                777   12.9       16     10500
Pegasus                23.1              .443
Stratolaunch            ?    1.5        6.12

Rockets for reaching low Earth orbit

Saturn V
Ariane 5
Ariane 5


                        Stage 1             Stage 2          Stage 3
                     Mass  Thrust Exh   Mass Thrust Exh  Mass Thrust  Exh   Payload  Payload
                     kkg     kN   km/s  kkg    kN   km/s  kkg   kN    km/s  kkg      $/kg

Space Shuttle        1710  25000  ~2.6  530  5100   4.44    ?  5100   4.44   93.
SpaceX Falcon 9       506   6672  ~2.9   52   801   3.35    -     -    -     13.15   4109
SpaceX Falcon Heavy  1421  17000  ~2.9 ~480  5600   3.05    ?   445   3.35   53.     2200
Saturn V             2800  34000   2.58 710  4400   4.13  230  1000   4.13  118.00   9915
Ariane                777  12940   2.80   ?  1340   4.22    ?    64.7 4.37   16.    10500
Pegasus                23.1                                                   .443
Stratolaunch            ?   1500   n/a  230     ?   ?       ?     ?    ?      6.12

Earth rotation at equator   = 463 m/s.
Earth escape speed          = 11.186
Earth orbit speed at 160 km = 7.58 km/s

Falcon 9 stage 2 empty mass = 3.1 tons
Falcon 9 Sea level thrust = 5885 kN
Space shuttle: The space shuttle orbiter has a mass of 68.6 and a payload of 24.4 tons.
Saturn V:      Largest payload ever achieved. Launched the moon missions.
Pegasus:       Air launch
Stratolaunch:  A 6-engine airplane launches the "Pegasus II" rocket.
The Stratolaunch airplane is moving at ~ .3 km/s when it launches the rocket, and the launch can occur at the equator where the Earth's rotation speed is .46 km/s. This gives the rocket a total initial speed of .76 km/s.


SR-71 Blackbird

                                Engine   Engine    Empty  Max    Cargo
                Speed  Ceiling  thrust    mass     mass  takeoff mass
                (Mach)   km     (tons)   (tons)    (tons) (tons) (tons)
Blackbird SR-71  3.3    25.9  2 x 14.8  2 x 2.7    30.6   78           Spy
F-15 Eagle       2.5    20.0  2 x 11.3  2 x 1.70   12.7   30.8         Fighter
F-22 Raptor      2.25   19.8  2 x 15.9  2 x 1.77   19.7   38           Stealth Fighter
Concorde         2.02   18.3  4 x 17.2  4 x 3.18   78.7  187           128 passengers
Airbus A380       .96   13.1  4 x 38.2  4 x 6.27  276.8  650           853 passengers
Boeing C-5 Galaxy .8          4 x 19.4  4 x 3.63  172.4  381    122.5  Cargo
Boeing 747-8F     .86   13.0  4 x 30.2  4 x 5.6          448    134.2  Cargo
Antonov 224       .75         4 x 23.4  4 x 4.1     175  405    150    Cargo
Antonov 225       .7          6 x 23.4  6 x 4.1     285  640    250    Cargo
Stratolaunch                  6 x 25.5                   540    230    Orbital launch platform
The Stratolaunch (in development) is designed to launch rockets into space.
Air drag
Drag force  =  .5 * AirDensity * CrossSection * Velocity^2

M = Rocket Mass   / 400 tons
A = Acceleration  / 10 m/s^2           Acceleration in units of g's
D = Air Density   / 1 kg/m^3           Density = 1.28 kg/m^3 at sea level
C = Cross section / 10 m^2             The Falcon 9 rocket has a cross section of 10 m^2
V = Velocity      / 300 m/s            Velocity in units of "Mach"
In these units the drag equation is
10 A M ~ D C V^2

For a falcon 9 rocket, M=1 and C=1.  If the rocket is at sea level, D ~ 1.
If the drag acceleration is 1g, then V ~ 3 (Mach 3). This sets the speed limit for rockets in the lower atmosphere.
Rocket fuel

Fuel            Exhaust  Density   Boil  kNewtons  kNewtons  kNewtons  Diameter  Mass    Rocket engine used
                (km/s)   (g/cm^3)  (K)   /meter^2    /ton              (meters)  (kg)    for data

Liquid hydrogen  4.2      .07      20.3    559        755     1359       1.76    1800    Vulcain-2
Liquid methane   3.7      .42     111.7    493          ?     8200       4.6        ?    Raptor
Kerosine         3.3      .80     410      361       1270      801       1.676    630    Merlin-1D
Solid fuel       2.7     1.2        -      673          ?     1270       1.55       ?    Atlas V booster
Kerosine ramjet           .80     410        9.0        5.5     14.8     1.45       2.7  SR-71 Blackbird
Hydrogen, methane, and kerosine are all reacted with liquid oxygen that is carried by the rocket. Solid fuel contains its own oxidizer.

For the kerosine ramjet, kerosine is reacted with oxygen from the air.

"kNewtons/meter^2" is the thrust/area of the rocket.

"kNewtons/kg" is the thrust-to-mass ratio of the rocket engine.

The density of liquid oxygen is 1.14 g/cm^3 and the boiling point is 90.2 Kelvin.

Electrolysis of water into H2 and O2

Electricity can split H2O into H2 and O2, which can be used for rocket fuel. the maximum efficiency of this process is 0.83.

Energy to split H2O into H2 and O2              =  E  =  1.317e7 Joules/kg
Max efficiency to split H2O into H2 and O2      =  e  =  .83
Solar cell power per mass                       =  Sp  =  300 Watts/kg
Solar cost per mass                             =  Sc  = 3000 $/kg
Time for a 1 kg solar cell to form 1 kg of fuel = T  =  .61 days  =  E / e / Sp

Speed of HOX rocket exhaust

We can calculate the maximum speed of HOX rocket exhaust from the energy required to split H2O.

V  =  Maximum speed of rocket exhaust for a HOX rocket

1.317e7 Joules/kg  =  ½ V2

V = 5.132 km/s
In practice, the best HOX rockets have an exhaust speed of 4.4 km/s.

Fission fragment rocket

Mean energies for the fission of Uranium-235, in MeV:

Fission fragment kinetic energy          169.1
Prompt neutrons                            4.8
Prompt gamma rays                          7.0
Delayed beta rays                          6.5
Delayed gamma rays                         6.3
Captured neutrons                          8.8
Total energy generated as heat           202.5
Prompt antineutrinos                       8.8
Total energy including antineutrinos     211.3
Energy of the original U-235 nucleus  218900

1 MeV  =  10^6 eV  =  1.6*10^-13 Joules
1 Atomic mass unit  =  1.6605*10^-27 kg  =  931.494 MeV/C^2
Mass of Uranium-235 = 235.04 atomic mass units
Only the kinetic energy of the fission fragments is harnessable by a rocket.

C = Speed of light
Mt= Mass of original nucleus
E = Kinetic energy of the fission fragments
F = Fraction of the mass of the original nucleus that is
    converted into kinetic energy.
  = E / (Mt C^2)
  = 169 MeV / (235.04 * 931.49)
  = .000772
Vt= Characteristic speed of the fission fragments

.5 Mt Vt^2 ~ F Mt C^2

Vt = .0393 C
Distribution of fragment masses

Fission tends to produce two fragments, one heavier than the other. The distribution is similar for all fissionable nuclei.

E  =  Total kinetic energy in fission fragments  ~  169 MeV
F  =  Fraction of the mass of the original nucleus that is converted into kinetic energy.
   =  .000772
M  =  Mass of heavy fragment  ~  .40 * Mass of original nucleus
m  =  Mass of light fragment  ~  .58 * Mass of original nucleus
V  =  Velocity of heavy fragment
v  =  Velocity of light fragment

Conservation of momentum:  M V = m v
Conservation of energy:    E = .5 M V^2 + .5 m v^2

M^2 V^2 (M + m)  =  2 E M m

V^2 =  2 F C^2 m / M
v^2 =  2 F C^2 M / m

V  =  .0326 C
v  =  .0473 C

               Critical mass   Half life
Americium-242       .5         141 years          Costs ~ 10^6 $/kg
Californium-251     .9         898 years
Curium-245         1.1        8500 years
Plutonium-239      5.6      241000 years
Uranium-235       11.0         704 million years
For a fission fragment rocket, the lower the critical mass the better. All of the above isotopes produce similar energy when fissioned.
Fusion drive

Hydrogen bombs use the following reactions.

Neutron    +  Lithium6  ->  Tritium  +  Helium4  +   4.874 MeV
Deuterium  +  Tritium   ->  Helium4  +  Neutron  +  17.56  MeV
Leaving out the neutron catalyst, this is
Deuterium  +  Lithium6  ->  Helium4  +  Helium4  +  22.43  MeV

Nucleons = 8

Energy / Nucleon  =  22.434/8
                  =  2.80  MeV/Nucleon

f  =  Fraction of mass converted to energy
   =  (2.80 MeV/Nucleon)  /  (939 MeV/Nucleon)
   =  .00298
The theoretical limit for the efficiency of a hydrogen bomb is
f = .00027
In practice, f is half this.
Thermal rockets

A thermal rocket uses a power source to heat the propellant. The power can come from either a nuclear reactor or from sunlight focused by mirrors.

Propellant   Exhaust speed
H2             9
H2O            1.9

Hydrogen + Oxygen  1.4e10 Joules/ton
Uranium-235        8.0e16 Joules/ton
Solar energy       1.4e15 Joules.  1 km^2 collector operating for 10^6 seconds at 1 A.U.
A mirror-based thermal rocket offers a means for using H2O as propellant. Such a rocket can potentially move large asteroids.

The solar energy collected by a 1km mirror at 1 A.U. over a time of 10^6 seconds (2 weeks) is

Energy  ~  1400 Watts/m^2 * 10^6 m^3 * 10^6 seconds  ~  1.4e15
The mass of the mirror is
                            Surface area    Thickness    Density
Mirror mass  ~  8*10^5 kg  --------------  -----------  ----------
                               1 km^2        10^-4 m     8 g/cm^3
A solar thermal rocket capable of delivering ~ 10^16 Watts can be built from a ~ 10 meter metallic asteroid.

If a thermal rocket can operate at a temperature high enough to dissociate H2 into elemental hydrogen then larger exhaust speeds are possible.

Space mirror

Suppose we use mylar film for a space mirror.

Mirror density        =  1390 kg/m^3
Mirror thickness      =  .1 mm
Mirror mass/area      =  .139 kg/m^2
Solar flux            =  1362 Watts/m^2
H2O exhaust speed     =  1.9 km/s
H2O mass/time/area    =  .00075 kg/s/m^2      Mass of propellant per time per area
Mirror acceleration   =  10.3 m/s
The acceleration of a mirror rocket is limited by the strength of the mirror.
Launch cost

If we assume that the kinetic energy of an orbiting object comes from electricity then

Orbital speed                            =  7.8 km/s
Energy of a 1 kg object at orbital speed = 30.4 MJoules
Cost of electricity                      = 36.0 MJoules/$
Cost of a 1 kg object at orbital speed   =  .84 $
For a typical hydrogen+oxygen rocket, the mass fractions are:
Payload                      =  1 kg
Superstructure               =  2 kg
Hyddrogen mass               =  3 kg
Oxygen mass                  = 24 kg
Total mass                   = 30 kg
Oxygen mass / Hydrogen mass  =  8
Cost of liquid hydrogen      =  .70 $/kg
Cost of liquid oxygen        =  .16 $/kg
Cost of liquid hydrogen      = 2.1  $
Cost of liquid oxygen        = 3.8  $
Typical launch cost for 1 kg = 2500 $
The superstructure is everything except the payload and the fuel.
Most of the launch cost is in the superstructure, not the fuel.
If the kinetic energy of the 1 kg payload comes purely from electricity, the cost of the electricity is tiny.
Orbit speed                   =   7.8 km/s
Energy of 1 kg at orbit speed =  30.4 MJoule
Cost of electricity           =  .015 $/MJoule
Electricity cost of the energy=  .46  $

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