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Wild city animals

Cities often encourage wild cats to stay wild, and many have a "catch, sterilize, and release" program. Many also do censuses of cat colonies and have a network of colony caretakers.

The plague has closed down most of New York City's animal shelters.

New York City has the same number of wild cats as house cats.

Pet dogs in homes  300000
Pet cats in homes  600000
Wild cats          400000
Given to shelters   20000 per year
Adoptions           14000 per year
Euthanized           4000 per year
NYC area              784 km2
NYC humans        8300000
Wild cats/area          5 cats/hectare


Wild cats kill on average .12 rats/day. The calorie intake is:

Cat mass             = 4.5   kg
Rat mass             =  .265 kg
Cat food requirement = 218   Calories/day
Rat kills/day        =   .12 Rats/day
Calories in a rat    = 800   Calories
Calories from rats   =  96   Calories/day

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