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Aliens, Supercomputers, AI, and the Future of Technology
Dr. Jay Maron

Artificial intelligence vs. human brains
Existence of aliens
Advanced alien technology
Exotic matter
Space Force
Flying cars

Nuclear fission
Nuclear fusion
Alien music
History of science

Brain vs. Supercomputer

The world's fastest supercomputer is 10 times faster than a brain in terms of operations per second. A gamestation is 2500 times slower than a brain.

A brain is 3 orders of magnitude better than a computer for speed per power.

A brain's clock time is the time of a chemical synapse (2 milliseconds) plus the signal crossing time across the brain (2 milliseconds), for a total of 4 milliseconds, or 250 Hertz.

              Speed   Clock   Elements  Power  Speed/Power  Fuel/Year   Fuel
             Ops/sec  Hertz             Watts   Ops/Joule    $/year

Brain          2⋅1016  250        1014      20      1014       3000    Food
Supercomputer  2⋅1017  4⋅109  25000000  700000    3⋅1011     600000    Electricity
Gamestation    8⋅1012  4⋅109      1000    1000    3⋅1011       1000    Electricity

For a computer, "elements" is the number of floating point units, and for a brain, it's the number of synapses.

Clock speed topped out. The way forward is parallelization and vectorization.

Computation speed is measured in GFlops (Giga Floating point operations per second). A floating point operation (Flop) is an add or a multiply.

A "core" is an independent floating point unit. Different cores can do different computations.

A core produces an add and a multiply once every clock cycle, hence it produces 2 floating point operations per cycle.

A core can be "vectorized" (a GPU), which means that it does many adds and multiples simultaneously. For vectorization, each element in the vector has to do the same computation. Gaming hardware is heavily vectorized. Computers became parallelized in the 1990s and vectorized in the 2010s.

The speed of a computer is

Supercomputer speed = S = 2FCV
Clock frequency     = F
Cores               = C                Independent CPUs
Vectorization       = V                Number of GPU vectors per core


Supercomputing is driven by Flops/$ and mobile computing is driven by Flops/Watt. For 2023,

Speed per dollar, CPU   =    2   GFlop/$
Speed per dollar, GPU   =   40   GFlop/$
Memory, RAM             =     .4 GByte/$
Memory, solid state     =    7   GByte/$
Memory, disk            =   33   GByte/$
Speed per power, GPU    =  300   GFlop/Watt

Battery energy per mass =     .6 MJoule/kg
Battery power  per mass =  500   Watt/kg

Battery energy/mass and power/mass advance slowly. Computer speed/$ and speed/power advance rapidly.

Brain size

A sperm whale brain is 5 times larger than a human brain. It has 10 tons of audio organs and can sing louder than a jet engine.


The table gives the year that a computer eclipsed the world champion.

            Year    World Champion      Year the game was invented

Checkers    1990    Alexei Chizhov      1243
Scrabble    2000                        1938       At the time, there was no consensus world #1 player
Chess       2006    Vladimir Kramnik     650
Go          2016    Lee Sedol           -400
Shogi       2017    Yoshiharu Habu      1058       Japanese chess

The chess player Edward Lasker said:

"While the Baroque rules of Chess could only have been created by humans, the rules of Go are so elegant, organic, and rigorously logical that if intelligent life forms exist elsewhere in the universe, they almost certainly play Go."

The rules of chess are an example of "fine tuning" and there are lots of free parameters (the moves allowed by each piece).


Most stars in the galaxy were formed before the sun. If alien exist, they likely have a head start on us by billions of years.

The sun is 23000 light years from the galactic center. A fusion drive can move at 1/10 the speed of light and can cross the galaxy in 100,000 years. If aliens want to be here, they would be.

Intelligent life requires an oxygen atmosphere because aerobic respiration yields vastly more energy than anaerobic respiration. A human brain uses 20 Watts and this would be hard to power anaerobically.

There are likely few planets that achieve an oxygen atmosphere. You need abundant water and photosynthesis. You also need to not overdo it with water and be a waterworld. You need both continents and oceans.

In the Age of Dinosaurs, there was much more biomass than today, and the atmospheric oxygen fraction was 38%. This enabled 80-kg organisms to fly.

Aerobic respiration yields more energy than anaerobic respiration.

Glucose + Oxygen  →  30 ATP of energy          Aerobic
Glucose + Sulfur  →   2 ATP of energy          Anaerobic


Tricerotops dinosaur


Elements of the tetrapod design include:

A spine
A skull
A ribcage
Four limbs
One bone in the upper limbs, enabling shoulders and hips to be universal joints.
Two bones in the lower limbs, meaning that elbows and knees are linear joints.
The reason for 2 bones in the lower limbs is to control torque in hands and feet.

The diaphragm works with the ribcage and gut to generate suction to take in air.

Humans have the most complex wrists and hands in the animal kingdom. Only humans can throw rocks accurately.

Tetrapods include mammals, birds, lizards, and amphibians. Fish are not tetrapods. Whales and dolphins are tetrapods. Snakes once had limbs and many snakes lost them.

The tetrapod design emerged 370 million years ago and the first land animals emerged 350 million years ago.

Bruce Lee: There is only one type of body, 2 arms, 2 legs, etc that make up the human body. Therefore, there can only be one style of fighting. If the other guy had 4 arms and 2 legs, there might have to be a different one.


Ratio tuning (violin)
Logarithmic tuning (guitar)

The 12-tone system is fortuitous. For a 12-tone octave, ratio tuning and logarithmic tuning give nearly the same notes. Aliens will use the 12-tone scale.

The 7 harmonic scales and the 7 melodic scales are decided naturally, by mathematics. Aliens will use these scales.

Advanced alien technology


A civilization can be ranked by its means for generating power. Earth civilization uses 20 Terawatts.

Civilization                 Level   Year

Pre-fire                       1  Ancient   Human power.  100 Watts/person
Fire                           2  -400000
Elastic power (bow & arrow)    3   -60000
Domestic animal power          4    -4000   One horsepower = 746 Watts
Wind power                     5    -3000   A large ship from Ancient Greece is 10000 Watts of wind power
Hydro power                    6     -400
Explosion power                7      850   Gunpowder
Heat engine                    8     1714   Sports car = 300 kWatt
Nuclear fission                9     1945   Earth has 1025 Joules of uranium and thorium
Asteroid power                10   Future   The asteroid belt has 1030 Joules of kinetic energy
Photovoltaic cells around sun 11   Future   Sun = 4⋅1026 Watts
Photovoltaic cells, big star  12   Future   eta Carinae = 2⋅1033 Watts, distance = 7500 light years
Galactic center               13   Future   Milky Way center = 1036 Watts. Thousands of stars with more than 1 million solar luminosities each
Galaxy                        14   Future   Milky Way = 1038 Watts. Virgo central galaxy = 1040 Watts
Supermassive black hole       15   Future   A quasar is up to 1041 Watts

Exotic matter

Science fiction often invokes exotic matter. The history of materials is:

The history of exotic matter is:

                       Exist   Found

Gold                     Yes  Ancient   Naturally-occuring. Smelting was discovered in 6000 BCE.
Silver                   Yes  Ancient   Naturally-occuring. Smelting was discovered in 4000 BCE.
Copper                   Yes  -5000
Tin                      Yes  -3200     Bronze = Copper + Tin.   Bronze is stronger than copper
Iron                     Yes  -1200     Iron is stronger than copper
Cobalt                   Yes   1735     First metal discovered since ancient times
Chromium                 Yes   1797     Lighter, stronger, and harder than iron. Candidate for mithril and Valyrian steel
Tungsten                 Yes   1783     Much stronger than iron. Candidate for adamantium, vibranium, and duranium
Magnesium                Yes   1808     First metal produced by electrolysis

Charged matter           Yes   -600     Static electricity
Magnet                   Yes   -500
Antimatter               Yes   1932     Antiprotons, antielectrons, antineutrons, etc.
Anticarbon               Yes     No     Requires an antistar
Antiuranium              Yes     No     Requires an antisupernova
Antimachines             Yes     No     Require antilife

Photon, Infrared         Yes   1800
Photon, UV               Yes   1801
Photon, X-ray            Yes   1896     Discovered using high voltage
Photon, Gamma            Yes   1900     Discovered as gamma decay

Electron                 Yes   1897
Proton                   Yes   1919
Neutron                  Yes   1932

Neutrino                 Yes   1956
Lepton: Muon             Yes   1937
Lepton: Tau              Yes   1975
Quark: Up                Yes   1968
Quark: Down              Yes   1968
Quark: Strange           Yes   1968
Quark: Charm             Yes   1968
Quark: Bottom            Yes   1977
Quark: Top               Yes   1995

Gluon                    Yes   1978     Boson that carries the strong force and holds quarks together
Weak matter              Yes   1983     Weak bosons. W and Z
Higgs                    Yes   2012
Graviton                 Yes     No     Boson that carries the gravitational force
Dark matter              Yes     No     DoesnO’t feel the strong or electric force
Strong matter            Yes     No     Bosons that mediate the strong force, such as X and Y bosons
Feeble matter         Likely     No     New weak bosons
Inflaton                 Yes     No     Cause of cosmic inflation
Dark energy              Yes     No     Matter with negative pressure

Mirror matter       Unlikely     No     Mirror versions of conventional particles
Magnetic monopole     Likely     No
Primordial black hole Unknown    No
Anyon               Unlikely     No     Particles with spin other than 0, 1/2, 1, 3/2, 2.
Tachyon             Unlikely     No     Particles that are faster than light

Biquark (meson)          Yes   1947     2 quarks
Tetraquark               Yes    Yes     2 mesons bound together
Pentaquark               Yes    Yes     5 quarks. 4 quarks and an antiquark
Glueonium                Yes   2020     Composite particle consisting of gluons
Quark-gluon plasma       Yes   2000

Suburanics               Yes   1911     Polonium, radium, actinium, protactinium. Proton number from 84 to 89.
Transuranics             Yes   1942     Plutonium through Fermium. Proton number from from 94 to 100.
Neutronic matter         Yes    Yes     Radioisotopes that are neutron-rich.
Protonic matter          Yes    Yes     Radioisotopes that are proton-rich. Most medical isotopes are protonic
Superheavy matter     Likely     No     Nuclei in the hypothetical "island of stability", with atomic number around 112
                                        A 2nd island of stability exists around atomic number 122
Up-down quark matter Unknown     No     Nuclei with more than 300 nucleons may transition to udQM and be long-term stable
Strange matter      Unlikely     No     Superheavy nuclei with strange quarks

Aether              Unlikely     No     Carrier of photons
Negative energy     Unlikely     No

Synthetic sapphire       Yes   1902
Synthetic diamond        Yes   1954
Amorphous alloy          Yes   1980      Light and strong
Buckyball                Yes   1984
Carbon nanotube          Yes   1993
Graphene                 Yes   2004

Superconductor           Yes   1911
Room-T superconduct  Unknown     No

Technological unknowns

The following questions are up for grabs.

Does a superconductor exist at room-temperature and zero pressure?

Does a gamma laser exist that uses nuclear transitions?

Does the nuclear "island of stability" exist?

Do superheavy nuclei exist?

Technological limits

Each technology has a current state-of-the-art and a future maximum. Sometimes the future maximum can be calculated and sometimes not. The most important physical limits that have the potential to improve are:

                                 Current   Future    Unit           Current state   Future state
                                  limit    limit                       of art          of art

Superconducting max temperature     134       ?      Kelvin         HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8
Transistor size                      80       ?      nm
Permittivity (relative)          250000       ?      Dimensionless  CaCuTiO3
Permeability (relative)         1000000       ?      Dimensionless  Metglass 2714A
Shear strength/density              860    3000      MJoule/kg      Carbon fiber      Diamond nanobeams that are isotopically-pure

Battery, radioisotope, efficiency      .1      .15   Dimensionless
Temperature low                      38       ?      picoKelvin     Laser cooling
Infrared detector limit              20       ?      microns        Gallium arsenide
Particle energy                       6.5     ?      TeV            Large Hadron Collider
Particle accelerator force          100       ?      MeV/meter      Dual-beam system
Time precision                    10-16   ?              Dimensionless  Caesium clock
Length precision                  10-21   ?              Dimensionless  LIGO

Technologies that are nearly maxed out are:

                                 Current   Future    Unit           Current limit     Future limit
                                  limit    limit

Melt temperature                   4232    4370      Kelvin         HfTaC             HfCN

Battery, energy/mass, Li-ion cobalt    .8     1      MJoule/kg
Battery, energy/mass, Li-ion sulfur   1       1.8    MJoule/kg

Tensile strength                    130              GPascal        Graphene
Tensile strength/mass               130              MJoule/kg      Graphene

Magnetic field, permanent magnet      1.25           Tesla          Neodymium magnet
Magnetic field, continuous, supercon 32              Tesla
Magnetic field, continuous, resist   38              Tesla
Magnetic field, superconduct crit    55              Tesla          MgB2


Does strange matter exist?

Does mirror matter exist?

Do primordial black holes exist?

Do magnetic monopoles exist?

Do cosmic defects exist?

Does time travel exist?

Do we live in a false vacuum?


Many exotic isotopes are actinides, the elements surrounding uranium. The orange lines show which isotopes can be made with neutron transmutation.

There is a hypothetical "island of stability" around atomic number 112 where nuclei may be long-term stable.

Experiments can only measure the longest-lived isotope up to a proton number of 105, and beyond that we plot theory. Theoretical half lives are uncertain by an order of magnitude.

It's possible that for large nucleon number, larger than around 300, that the nucleus transitions to a lower-energy state, called "Up down quark matter", or "udQM". The existence of udQM is unresolved. Theory is uncertain, and it hasn't been experimentally produced. The largest nucleus that's been produced is oganesson-294, with 118 protons and 294 nucleons. It shows no sign of udQM, so if udQM exists, it's beyond oganesson.

If udQM nuclei exist, they could potentially be long-term stable. They don't fission because it would take the nucleus to a higher-energy state. They decay by alpha until they're too light to be udQM, at which point they fission.

If udQM nuclei exist, then there may be exist long-lived elements from Z=140 to way beyond. These are "continental elements".

The largest nucleus that standard nuclei can make has Z=140. Nuclei larger than this fission with a short half life. The only way that nuclei with Z>140 can exist is if udQM exists.

Continental elements

If continental elements exist, we can guess their properties by extrapolating from homolog elements. Homologs are elements in the same column of the periodic table.

Continental  Homolog        Extrapolated properties
  element    element

   118       Radon          Noble gas
   119       Caesium        Good for atom traps
 121-153     Lanthanides    Exotic properties for solid state physics
   154                      High melting point, . High hardness
   155       Tantalum       High melting point. High hardness. STaC melt 4600 Kelvin
   156       Tungsten       High melting point. High hardness. SW melt 4800 Kelvin
   157       Rhenium
   158       Osmium    Density = 40 g/cm3
   159       Iridium
   160       Platinum    Catalyst
   161       Gold
   162       Mercury
   168       Radon

Superlative objects

For each kind of object, the table gives the nearest one and also superlative examples of the object.

                                Distance           Mass      Radius   Luminosity
                               light year          Sun=1     Sun=1      Sun=1

Star           Proxima Centauri         4.24          .123     .141        .0017 Nearest
Star           Alpha Centauri A         4.36         1.10     1.23         1.52  Nearest sun-sized star
Star           Sirius A                 8.7          2.063    1.71        25.4
Star           Regulus                 77            3.8      4.35       316
Star           Dschubba               136           13        6.7      38000
Star           Naos                  1080           56       20       813000
Star           Eta Carinae           7500          100      240      4600000     Among the most luminous stars

Red giant      Arcturus                37            1.1     26          170     Nearest
Red giant      Betelgeuse             700           18      764       126000
White dwarf    Sirius B                 8.7          1.02      .0084        .056 Nearest
Neutron star   RX-J1856               400             .9                         Nearest
Pulsar         J0108                  424                                        Nearest
Pulsar         Vela pulsar            959                                        89 Hertz
Pulsar         PSR J1614-2230        1200            1.91                        317 Hertz
Pulsar         Crab pulsar           6500                                   .9   30 Hertz. Brightest gamma source. Gammas up to 10 TeV. 1.6 mllion Kelvin
Pulsar         PSR J1748-2446ad     18000                                        716 Hertz. Highest spin rate
Magnetar       AXP 1E 1048.1-5937    9000                                        Nearest
Magnetar       SGR1806-20           42000                                        Strongest magnetic field at 1011 Tesla
Supernova      SN1250                 700                                        Nearest

Star-forming cloud   Corona Nebula   430                                         Nearest
Star-forming cloud   Orion Nebula   1344

Black hole     Gaia BH1              1560            9.6                         Nearest
Black hole     Cygnus X-1            7300           30
Black hole     Milky Way center     25600      4200000         .019              Nearest supermassive black hole
Black hole     Andromeda          2300000    200000000         .85
Black hole     Sombrero galaxy   31100000   1000000000
Black hole     Virgo A           53500000   6500000000                           Virgo Cluster
Black hole     NGC1600          149000000  17000000000                           Not in a cluster of galaxies
Black hole     NGC6166          490000000  28000000000                           Abell 2199
Black hole     Holmberg 15A     700000000  40000000000                           Abell 85
Black hole     4C+37.11         750000000  15000000000                           2 holes separated by 24 light years. Total mass given
Black hole     MS0735.6        2600000000  51000000000
Black hole     Phoenix A       8610000000 100000000000   424000                  Most massive. 3e39 Watts

Galaxy         Andromeda          2300000                                        Nearest galaxy that's the size of the Milky Way
Galaxy         Virgo central     53000000                                        Biggest galaxy in the nearest cluster of galaxies
Active galaxy  Centaurus A       12000000     55000000
Active galaxy  Messier 81        11700000     70000000

Quasar         Markarian231     581000000      4000000                           Nearest
Quasar         3C 273          2440000000    886000000                  4e12     Brightest
Quasar         Ton 618        10800000000  50000000000                   e14     4e40 Watts
Quasar         MSS J215728    12500000000  34000000000                  7e14     Most luminous. 2.6⋅1041 Watts

Prime directive

Kirk's interpretation of the Prime Directive is often overly-liberal. You could say that he considers it to be the "Prime Suggestion". If aliens exist then it's reasonable to suppose that they may have something like a Prime Directive, because as yet, no evidence for them has been found.

Doomsday machine

One could imagine aliens creating a "doomsday machine" with orders to replicate itself and travel to every star in the galaxy, and upon arriving, exterminate all life present. If this had happened then we would not be here now. The non-existence of a doomsday machine is one of the few solid assertions that we can make about aliens.

That being said, it may be that there is a doomsday machine waiting to exterminate Earth once we reach a specified technological level.

Isotope production by present and future technology

Isotope catalog

Transuranics (actinides)
Island of stability

Isotope capabilities

Heat power
Low critical mass for fission
Spontanous fission
Fission afterburner rocket
Neutron multiplier
High-temperature heat

Isotope production
Neutron subtraction
Accelerator substitution
Alpha process
Chilled neutrons

Chief isotopes

Radioisotopes have more energy per mass than gasoline by a factor of 1 million. They can power an aircraft for 50 years and they power the Voyager spacecraft. They can make a fission bomb the size of a softball. Iron Man gadgets are possible with them. Important isotopes include:

          Half life (year)   Use

Tritium              12.3    Fusion fuel
Helium-3         Stable      Fusion fuel.  Dilution refrigerator.  Fission afterburner rocket

Uranium-235   704000000      Fission fuel.  Fission bomb
Plutonium-239     14100      Fission fuel.  Fission bomb

Thulium-170            .352  Power
Polonium-210           .379  Power.  Alpha rocket
Thorium-228           1.91   Power.  Alpha rocket
Thulium-171           1.91   Power.  Safe around humans because it requires low radiation shielding
Caesium-134           2.06   Power
Cobalt-60             5.27   Power
Europium-152         13.5    Power
Strontium-90         28.9    Power
Uranium-232          68.9    Power.  Alpha rocket
Plutonium-238        87.7    Power.  Alpha rocket
Radium-226         1599      Power.  Breeder for Thorium-228 and Uranium-232

Lithium-6        Stable      Fission afterburner rocket.  Fusion bomb
Boron-10         Stable      Fission afterburner rocket.  Cancer treatment
Beryllium-7            .146  Fission afterburner rocket
Sodium-22             2.602  Fission afterburner rocket

Americium-242m      141      Fission afterburner rocket
Californium-251     900      Fission afterburner rocket. Compact fission bomb. Large neutrons/fission
Californium-252       2.65   Spontaneous fission.        Compact fission bomb. Large neutrons/fission
Curium-250         8300      Spontaneous fission

Carbon-12        Stable      Isotopically-pure diamonds, nanotubes, and graphene
Carbon-14          5700      Low neutron capture cross section

Iridium-192            .202  Power at high temperature
Tantalum-182           .313  Power at high temperature
Tungsten-181           .332  Power at high temperature
Osmium-194            6.02   Power at high temperature

Nuclear battery

Voyager II

Isotope radioactivity can make electricity. The Voyager spacecraft are powered by plutonium-238.

The isotopes with high power/mass are:

                Half life    Heat      Decay      Decay    Obtainable by
                  year      Watt/kg                MeV     neutron transmutation

Californium-254       .166 11200000    Fission      207      *
Iridium-192           .202    29942    β              1.460  *
Scandium-46           .229   485000    β              2.366  *
Thulium-170           .352    33150    β               .968  *
Thulium-171          1.91       606    β               .0965 *
Caesium-134          2.06     15300    β              2.059  *
Californium-252      2.64     41400    α or Fission  12.33   *   α 96.9% (6.12 Mev). Fission 3.09% (207 MeV)
Cobalt-60            5.27     19300    β              2.824  *
Europium-154         8.59      3030    β              1.968  *
Tritium             12.33       315    β               .0186 *
Europium-152        13.5       1821    β & EC         1.86   *
Strontium-90        28.9       2234    β, &beta       2.826  *
Caesium-137         30.1        583    β              1.176  *
Plutonium-238       87.7        578    α              5.59   *
Americium-242m     141          725    2α            12.33   *
Silicon-32         153         1159    β,  β          1.92   *
Iridium-192m       241           72    IT, β          1.615  *
Curium-250        8300          170    Fission      148      *   Fission 74%, Alpha 18%, Beta 8%

Beryllium-7           .146  1822000    EC              .547
Hafnium-172          1.87     11700    EC             1.835
Hafnium-172          1.87     11700    EC             1.835
Sodium-22            2.6      68700    β+ or EC       2.842
Rhodium-101          4.07      9890    EC             1.980
Titanium-44         59.1       4318    EC, β+         3.798

Thorium-227           .0512 9194000    5α+2β          36.14
Uranium-230           .0554 9280000    6α+2β
Thorium-228          1.912   235000    5α+2β          34.784
Radium-228           5.75     90660    5α+4β          40.198
Actinium-227        21.8      21600    5α+3β          36.18
Uranium-232         68.9       7545    6α+2β          40.79
Radium-226        1599          286    5α+4β          34.958
Thorium-229       7917           57.7  5α+3β          35.366
Protactinium-231 32600           16.2  6α+3β          41.33
Thorium-230      75380            6.78 6α+4β          39.728

Human-safe battery

A battery that's around humans needs radiation shielding. Gammas are the most penetrating radiation, so what matters is the highest-energy gamma produced. Alpha and beta decay produce gammas by bremsstrahlung, and a charged particle can give all its energy to one gamma.

The isotopes with low-energy gammas are:

          Half life   Power/mass   Decay   Gamma   Stopping   Formation   Obtainable by   Decay
                                   energy   max     length      rate      neutron
            year       Watt/kg      MeV     MeV       mm      barn*year   transmutation

Nickel-63      100.1        5.52   .017   .017      .004      2.5           *           β
Tritium         12.33     315      .0186  .0186     .005     71             *           β
Rubidium-83       .236             .910   .0322               0                         EC
Samarium-145      .931             .617   .061                 .022         *           EC
Tantalum-179     1.82              .110   .065                0                         EC
Promethium-145  17.7      131      .164   .072                 .022         *           EC
Platinum-193    50         17.5    .057   .076                3.81          *           EC
Thulium-171      1.91     606      .096   .096      .09      30.8           *           β
Europium-155     4.76     705      .252   .147              312             *           β

"Gamma" is the energy of the highest-energy gamma produced.

"Stopping length" is the stopping length of the gamma in iridium. The radiation shield should be at least 10 times thicker than the stopping length.

"Formation rate" indicates of how fast it can be produced in a nuclear reactor. See the "Hurdle" section below.

Critical mass

The Demon Core. Almost a critical mass of plutonium-239.
Critical sphere size for californium-252
Critical sphere size for plutonium-239 (softball-sized)
Critical sphere size for uranium-235

Isotopes exist with a critical mass smaller than plutonium-239. The smallest critical mass is californium-252 at 2.7 kg. The critical sphere diameter is 6.9 cm, the size of a tennis ball.

               Half life   Critical  Critical  Density   Fission
                             mass    diameter             barn
                 year         kg        cm     gram/cm3

Californium-252          2.64    2.73    6.9       15.1         33
Californium-251        900       5.46    8.5       15.1       4894
Californium-249        351       6       9         15.1       1666
Curium-247        15700000       7       9.9       13.5         82

Plutonium-239        14100      10       9.9       19.8        748
Uranium-233         159000      15      11         19.1        536
Uranium-235      704000000      52      17         19.1        538

Natural uranium has a critical mass of 800 with heavy water moderator, and 10000 kg with graphite moderator.

Spontaneous fission

An isotope that sponteously fissions is a neutron source. The easiest such isotope to make is californium-252. The isotopes with a large spontaneous fission rate are:

                 Fission      Decay    Neutrons  Fission
                 half life  Half life    per     fraction
                  years       years    fission

Mendelevium-260       .0895      .0761            .85
Californium-254       .166       .166             .997
Californium-252     85.7        2.65     3.73     .0309
Curium-250       11200       8300        3.31     .74

Fission afterburner rocket

A fission thermal rocket uses a fission reactor to heat hydrogen exhaust. The higher the temperature, the faster the exhaust. The temperature limit is of the order 4000 Kelvin because this is the highest temperature for which solids exist. The material with the highest melting point is hafnium carbide at 4201 Kelvin.

A fission reactor can alternately heat exhaust by generating neutrons, which trigger fission in the exhaust. The neutrons are generated as a pulse and the exhaust is pulsed. The likelihood for a neutron to trigger fission is quantified as a "cross section". The isotopes with the largest fission cross section are:

               Half life   Fission   Energy   Quality   Neutron capture           Obtainable by
                 year       barn      MeV               output                    neutron transmutation

Americium-242m       141        7024  195       5640    Daughter nuclei + Neutrons   *
Californium-251      900        4894  207       3940    Daughter nuclei + Neutrons   *
Curium-245          8500        2161  198       1740    Daughter nuclei + Neutrons   *
Plutonium-239      14100         748  189        590    Daughter nuclei + Neutrons   *
Uranium-235    704000000         538  181        410    Daughter nuclei + Neutrons   *

Beryllium-7             .146   56800    1.644  11670    Lithium-7 + Proton
Sodium-22              2.602   27490    4.14    4948    Neon-22 + Proton
Helium-3          Stable        5333     .764   1020    Tritium + Proton             *
Boron-10          Stable        3835    2.34     820    Lithium-7 + Alpha            *
Lithium-6         Stable         940    4.783    640    Alpha + Tritium              *

Zirconium-88            .228  861000    8      77000    Zirconium-89   + Gammas
Gadolinium-157    Stable      259000    7.94   13020    Gadolinium-158 + Gammas      *
Gadolinium        Stable       49000    8       2500    Gadolinium-158 + Gammas      *    Natural composition

An isotope's quality as fission afterburner fuel is

Atomic mass number    =  M            Dimensionless
Fission energy        =  E            MeV
Fission cross section =  A            barns
Afterburn quality     =  Q = AE/M


Many superisotopes are actinides. The orange line shows the isotopes can be produced by neutron capture.

Neutron capture transmutes an isotope one space to the right and beta decay transmutes an isotope one space up. Isotopes on or to the right of orange lines can be made with neutron transmutation and isotopes to the left of the lines can't. Elements that are made by neutron-transmutation tend to be neutron-heavy (neutronic), and elements that can't be made by neutron-transmutation tend to be proton-heavy (protonic).


Suburanics are the isotopes from radium to uranium. Many undergo 5 or 6 alpha decays, such as uranium-232. This is the red line in the plot.

Nuclear island of stability

There is a hypothetical "island of stability" around atomic number 112 where isotopes may be long-lived. A second island may exist at atomic number 126.

Experiments can only measure the longest-lived isotope up to a proton number of 105, and beyond that we plot theory. Theoretical half lives are uncertain by an order of magnitude.

It's possible that for large nucleon number, larger than around 300, that the nucleus transitions to a lower-energy state, called "Up down quark matter", or "udQM". The existence of udQM is unresolved. Theory is uncertain, and it hasn't been experimentally produced. The largest nucleus that's been produced is oganesson-294, with 118 protons and 294 nucleons. It shows no sign of udQM, so if udQM exists, it's beyond oganesson.

If udQM nuclei exist, they could potentially be long-lived. They don't fission because it would take the nucleus to a higher-energy state. They decay by alpha until they're too light to be udQM, at which point they fission.

If udQM nuclei exist, then there may exist long-lived elements from Z=140 to way beyond. These are "continental elements".

The largest nucleus that standard nuclear matter can make has Z=140. Larger nuclei fission instantly. The only way that nuclei with Z>140 can exist is if udQM exists.


Typical energies:

                              MeV        MeV/Nucleon

Chemical reaction                .000002   Varies
Beta decay                      2          Varies
Alpha decay                     6           .026
Superalpha decay               36           .16     5 or 6 alphas, in sequence. For example, Uranium-232
Superheavy decay              280           .98     Alpha, then fission. Superheavy elements with more than 108 protons
Neutron capture                 8          Varies

Fission (Helium-3)               .764       .19
Fission (Lithium-6)             4.783       .68
Fission (Beryllium-7)           1.64        .21
Fission (Boron-10)              2.34        .21
Fission (Uranium-235)         181           .77
Fission (Plutonium-239)       189           .79
Fission (Californium-252)     207           .82
Fusion of D+Li6                22.4        2.8

Beta decay, Beryllium-7          .547       .078
Beta decay, Sodium-22           2.842       .13
Beta decay, Scandium-46         2.366       .051
Beta decay, Cobalt-60           2.82        .047

High-temperature isotopes
Isotopes with a high boiling point are:

                Half life    Heat      Decay  Decay energy   Melt    Boil    Obtainable by         Formation rate
                  year      Watt/kg               MeV       Kelvin  Kelvin   neutron transmutation

Tungsten-188          .191   148700    2β            .349       3695    6203    *     .173
Iridium-192           .202                                                           *  193
Tantalum-182          .313    68866    β            1.814       3290    5731    *    6.42
Tungsten-181          .332    59200    EC           1.732       3695    6203    *          .0239
Ruthenium-106        1.023    71200    2β           3.584       2607    4423    *     .000198
Hafnium-172          1.87     11700    EC           1.835       2506    4876
Thorium-228          1.912   235000    5α+2β       34.784       2023    5061
Rhodium-101          4.07      9890    EC           1.980       2237    3968
Cobalt-60            5.27     19300    β            2.82        1768    3200    *    2.01
Osmium-194           6.02      4313    2β           2.33        3306    5285    *     .130
Platinum-193        50           17.5  EC            .057       2041    4098    *    3.81
Titanium-44         59.1       4318    EC & β+      3.798       1941    3560
Uranium-232         68.9       7545    6α          40.79        1405    4404
Iridium-192m2      241           72                                                  *   100
Thorium-229       7917           57.7  5α+3β       35.366       2023    5061
Protactinium-231 32600           16.2  6α+3β       41.33        1841    4300
Europium-152        13.5                                                                8660
Europium-154         8.59                                                                312
Europium-155         4.76                                                                312

Meitnerium-285       2.24   1020000    α+fission  220          ~3300   ~5000
Darmstadtium-293    37.7      58900    β+fission  220          ~2600   ~4700
Darmstadtium-292   133        16700    α+fission  220          ~2600   ~4700
Darmstadtium-294   380         5820    α+fission  220          ~2600   ~4700

Neutron multiplier
The isotopes that yield a large number of neutrons per fission (for thermal fission) are:

               Half life   Fission   Fission   Critical mass
                 year       barn     neutrons      kg

Fermium-257             .275 2100    5.7
Einsteinium-254         .75  2900    4.2           9.9
Californium-251      900     4801    4.1           5.46
Californium-249      351      600    4.06          6.0
Curium-245          8500     2161    3.83          9.6
Americium-242m       141     7024    3.26          9.5
Plutonium-239      14100      748    2.89         10
Uranium-235    704000000      538    2.43         52

Isotope alchemy

The transmutation options are:

                          Example                                       Means

Add a neutron             Uranium-238 → Uranium-239                     Slow neutrons from fission. Thermal neutrons at 300 Kelvin and .025 eV
Subtract a neutron        Thorium-232 → Thorium-231                     Superfast neutrons from fusion. Neutron energy = 14.1 MeV
Beta decay                Uranium-239 → Plutonium-239                   Patience
Alpha decay               Uranium-233 → Thorium-229                     Patience
Fission                   Uranium-235 → Daughter nuclei + Neutrons
Accelerator substitution  Lithium-6 + Deuteron → Beryllium-7 + Neutron
Accelerator fusion        Berkellium-249 + Calcium-48 -> Tennessine-297

Some isotopes can be made with present technology and some need future technology. Also, the more energy you have, the more isotopes you can make.

Fission reactors are the easiest way to make isotopes. They produce slow neutrons that are captured by a target nucleus and they make isotopes that are "neutron heavy", or "neutronic".

Slow neutrons tend to stick to nuclei and superfast neutrons tend to eject neutrons from nuclei. Superfast neutrons can make protonic isotopes. Superfast neutrons are produced by fusion:

Deuterium  +  Tritium  →  Helium-4 (3.5 MeV)  +  Neutron (14.1 MeV)

Most isotopes can be made with slow or superfast neutrons. Many that can't can be made with accelerator substitution. A target nucleus is bombarded with high-energy particles such as deuterons, tritons, alphas, and He-3. For example,

Lithium-6 + Deuteron + 2 MeV  →  Beryllium-7 + Neutron

Isotopes can be made by fission, for example rhodium-103 and palladium-106. Rhodium and palladium are valuable catalysts.

Isotopes can be made by spallation, where a high-energy particle blasts nucleons off a nucleus.

Isotopes can be made by fusion, where 2 nuclei are collided at the resonance energy for fusion. This is how isotopes far beyond uranium are made.

Isotopes can be made by alpha decay. For example, slow neutrons turn thorium-232 into uranium-233, and then uranium-233 alpha decays to suburanics.

Making suburanics

Slow neutrons tend to stick to nuclei and superfast neutrons tend to eject neutrons from nuclei. Superfast neutrons can make protonic isotopes. Superfast neutrons are produced by fusion:

Deuterium  +  Tritium  →  Helium-4 (3.5 MeV)  +  Neutron (14.1 MeV)

The cross sections for a fusion neutron hitting thorium-232 are (in barns):

                 Fusion neutrons   Fission neutrons   Thermal neutrons    Energy threshold
                    14.1 MeV       2.4 MeV average    .025 eV average           MeV

Capture the neutron    .0011              .096              7.299                0
Eject 1 neutron       1.786               .017              0                    6.468
Eject 2 neutrons       .522               .000072           0                   11.61
Eject 3 neutrons      0                  0                  0                   18.43
Fission                .361               .080               .000054             0
Elastic collision     2.740              4.832             14.72                 0
Inelastic collision    .468              2.690              0                     .0496
Total                 5.859              7.717             22.02

For fusion neutrons, ejection is half the cross section.

Making protonic isotopes

Protonic isotopes can be produced by bombarding a target nucleus with a high-energy particle, such as a proton, deuteron, triton, He-3, or Alpha.

Beryllium-7 can't be made with fission or fusion neutrons, but it can be made by bombarding Lithium-6 with high-energy deuterons.

Target     New    High-energy  Energy  Cross section
nucleus  nucleus   particle     MeV        barn

Li6      Be7         d            2       .2
Mg24     Na22        d            7       .2
Th232    Ac227       t           75       .5
Th232    Ra228       t          100       .0018
Th232    Th228       d           83       .272
Th232    U-232       Alpha       38       .195
Th232    Ac225       p          150       .015
Th232    Ac226       p          150       .015
Th232    Ac227       p          150       .015
Th232    Th227       p           70       .040
Th232    Th228       p           60       .085

Making suburanics with neutron subtraction

Suburanics can be made with a combination neutron addition and subtraction. Starting with thorium-232,

Th-232 → Th-231 → Th-230 → Th-229 → Th228

Th-232 → Th-233 → U-233 → U-232 → U-231 → U-230

Making suburanics with alpha decay

Radium can be made by waiting for a thorium alpha decay.

Input      Input half life    Output        Output half life

Thorium-230         75380     Radium-226          1599
Thorium-232   14000000000     Radium-228             5.75
Uranium-235     704000000     Protactinium-231   32600
Uranium-238    4470000000     Thorium-230        75380

Radium generator for suburanics

Radium-226 can generate all the important suburanics with fission neutrons except for Uranium-230. The sequence is:

Radium-226  →  Actinium-227  →  Thorium-227  →  Thorium-228
→  Thorium-229  →  Thorium-230  →  Protactinium-231  →  Uranium-232

Transmutation speed

Neutron capture is slow. Some isotopes need a high neutron flux. A prime goal is maximizing neutron density, and a future civilizations will have neutron densities than today.

The neutron capture rate is:

Neutron density               = D           =   e16  neutrons/meter3           Typical for a fission reactor
Neutron speed                 = V           =  2190  meter/second              Thermal neutron at 300 Kelvin
Neutron flux                  = F = D V     =2.2e19  neutrons/meter2/second    Typical for a fission reactor
Neutron capture cross section = A           =  e-28  meter2  =  1 barn         Typical cross section
Transmutation time            = T = (DVA)-1 = 4.6e8  seconds = 14 years

Many isotopes need a small transmutation time. This can be done by increasing the neutron flux or by increasing the capture cross section. The slower the neutron, the larger the cross section.

For neutrons below 100 eV, it's often the case that "VA" is constant as a function of V.

At Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the High Flux Isotope Reactor has a flux of 2.5e19 neutrons/meter2/second.

The Oak Ridge Spallation Source produces neutron pulses with e21 neutrons/meter2/second.

Neutron sources

Neutrons are made by hitting beryllium-9 with high-energy alphas. The alpha source is often polonium-210.

Beryllium-9 + &alpha → Carbon-12 + Neutron

                   Continuous flux      Pulse flux   Continuous power
                   Neutron/meter2/s  Neutron/meter2/s     MWatt

Supernova                        -          e36                   e30 neutrons/meter3
Fission bomb                                e28
Oak Ridge fission reactor   2.5e19            -            75
Oak Ridge spallation source   3e18         2e21             1.4
ITER fusion reactor           2e18            -           500
Stellar S process              e15
Californium-252                e13
Polonium-210 + Beryllium-9     e12            -                   Polonium-210 half life = .379 years
Fusor                           e9            -                   Use high voltage to fuse D+T
Radium-226 + Beryllium-9        e8            -                   Radium-226 half life = 1599 years
Earth surface                     .0065
Deep underground               e-9

Chilled neutrons

In many cases, the slower the neutron, the higher the capture cross section.

Solid lines are scattering cross sections and dotted lines are capture cross sections.


Water melt                         273
CO2 sublime                        195
Argon boil                          87
Nitrogen boil                       77
Neon boil                           27
Hydrogen boil                       21
Helium-4 boil                        4.2
Helium-3 boil                        3.2
Helium-3 evaporative cooling          .3
Dilution refrigerator                 .002          Uses helium-3 and helium-4
Nuclear demagnetization, typical      .000001
Laser cooling, typical                .000001
Nuclear demagnetization, record low   .0000000001
Laser cooling, record low             .000000000038

Neutron wall trap

Cold neutrons bounce off walls. The critical temperature for various materials is:

          Neutron      Neutron       Neutron
        temperature  temperature      speed
            neV        Kelvin      meter/second

Nickel-58   335        .0039          8.14
Diamond     304        .0036          7.65
BeO         261        .0031          6.99
Nickel      252        .0030          6.84
Beryllium   252        .0030          6.84
Graphite    180        .0021          5.47

This is within reach of a dilution refrigerator, which can reach .002 Kelvin. It's also within reach of magnetic trapping.

An advanced civilization will have unlimited helium-3 and can make a large dilution refrigerator. It can make a neutron wall trap that can collect all the outgoing neutrons from a fission reactor and funnel them to a focus. The only limit on neutron density is neutron degeneracy, which is 1022 neutrons/meter3 at .003 Kelvin.

Neutron magnetic trap

Ultracold neutrons can be trapped magnetically. Neutrons have a magnetic moment of 50 neV/Tesla. For a 3 Tesla field, this is the same temperature range as a dilution refrigerator and as for wall trapping.

                                            Magnetic fied (Tesla)

Neodymium magnet                                     1.25
Magnetic resonance imaging                           7
Superconducting magnet max, continuous operation    32
Resistive magnet max, continuous operation          38
Pulsed magnet max, non-destructive                 100
Pulsed magnet max, destructive                    2000

White dwarf                                       1000
Neutron star                                  10000000
Magnetar                                   10000000000
Magnetar max                              100000000000

Neutron density

Neutron density is limited by degenercy pressure. For neutrons,

Type         Energy        Temperature   Wavelength     Speed       Degenerate density
               eV            Kelvin      Angstroms   Meter/second   #/meter3

Fusion    14100000                         .000061    51900000
Fast       2000000                         .00016     19600000
Thermal           .0253       294          1.45           2200      3.3⋅1029
Cold              .00036        4.2       12.1             263      5.6⋅1026
Ultracold         .00000022      .0025   497                 6.4    8.1⋅1021

Fast neutrons are from fission.

Fusion neutrons are from the fusion of D+T->He4+n, which produces a 14.1 MeV neutron.


Some isotopes have hurdles to their formation. For example, osmium-194 is formed by adding neutrons to osmium-192, and the hurdle is that osmium-193 has a short half life of 1.25 days. There's limited time for osmium-193 to capture a neutron. Fortunately, the capture cross section of osmium-193 is high.

              Half life    Neutron capture (barns)

Osmium-192       Stable           3.12           Input isotope
Osmium-193      1.25 days        38.0            Hurdle isotope
Osmium-194      6.0 years          .043          Output isotope

If there is a hurdle isotope, the formation rate of the output isotope is proportional to:

Hurdle half life                     = T
Hurdle neutron capture cross section = σc
Hurdle fission cross section         = σf
Natural fraction                     = F             Fraction of the natural element that can transform to the output isotope
Capture fraction                     = C = σc/(σcf)
Formation rate of output isotope     = Q = T σc F C

This is for the case of an output isotope with a long half life and a hurdle isotope with a short half life.

If the output isotope has a short half life, then the output isotope is the hurdle. "T" becomes the half life of the output isotope and σc becomes the capture cross section for the isotope preceeding the output isotope.

If the hurdle time is more than 1 year, we use a time of 1 year.

In the plot, "Island #1 and #2" are the nuclear islands of stability. Island #1 needs a formation time of order .1 seconds, and island #2 needs .01 seconds, and superheavy isotopes (udQM regime) need .001 seconds.

The isotopes with hurdles to their formation are:

Output        Output     Hurdle   Capture  Natural   Capture   Production   Hurdle
             Half life  half life                                 rate
               year       year     barn    fraction  fraction  barn*year

Europium-152     13.5   13.5     9100         .952   1       8660          Europium-151
Europium-154      8.59   8.59     312        1       1        312          Europium-153
Europium-155      4.76   4.76     312        1       1        312          Europium-153
Iridium-192        .202   .202    954        1       1        193          Iridium-192
Iridium-192m2   241    241        100        1       1        100          Iridium-192m2
Tritium          12.3    Stable   940         .0759  1         71          Lithium-6
Thulium-170        .352    .352   105.6      1       1         37.2        Thulium-170
Thulium-171       1.91     .352    87.6      1       1         30.8        Thulium-170
Caesium-134       2.06   2.06      30.3      1       1         30.3        Caesium-137
Americium-242m  141    141         84        1        .10       8.4        Americium-242m
Tantalum-182       .313   .313     20.5      1       1          6.42       Tantalum-182
Platinum-193     50      Stable    10.0       .381   1          3.81       Platinum-192
Cobalt-60         5.27   5.27       2.007    1       1          2.007      Cobalt-60
Carbon-14      5730      Stable     1.931     .996   1          1.92       Nitrogen-14
Plutonium-238    87.7   2144000   171         .0072   .146      1.23       Neptunium-237
Argon-39        269      Stable      .8      1       1           .8        Argon-38
Cadmium-109       1.26   Stable     1.1       .518   1           .57       Cadmium-108
Scandium-46        .229   .229      2.366    1       1           .542      Scandium-46
Iron-55           2.737  2.737      2.25      .0585  1           .36       Iron-55
Deuterium       Stable   Stable      .333     .99985 1           .333      Proton
Zinc-65            .667   .667       .93      .492   1           .305      Zinc-65
Tungsten-188       .191   .00270   64.1      1       1           .173      Tungsten-187
Californium-252   2.64   2.64       2.49     1        .0673      .168      Curium-248
Osmium-194        6.0     .00343   38.04     1       1           .130      Osmium-193
Technetium-99 211000   211000        .132     .903   1           .119      Technetium-99
Strontium-90     28.9     .138       .420    1       1           .0580     Strontium-89
Tungsten-181       .332   .332     60         .0012  1           .0239     Tungsten-181
Promethium-145   17.7     .931       .7       .0308  1           .022      Samarium-145
Samarium-145       .931   .931       .7       .0308  1           .022      Samarium-145
Californium-254    .166   .049     20.0      1        .0151      .0148     Californium-253  1303
Polonium-210       .379   .379       .0338   1       1           .0128     Polonium-210
Iodine-131         .0220 Stable      .29      .341   1           .00218    Tellurium-130
Ruthenium-106     1.023   .000507    .390    1       1           .000198   Ruthenium-105
Argon-42         32.9     .000208    .509    1       1           .000106   Argon-41
Silicon-32      153       .000299    .107    1       1           .000032   Silicon-31
Curium-250     8300       .000122   1.60     1        .138       .0000027  Curium-249         10
Lead-210         22.3     .000371    .00143  1       1           .00000053 Lead-209
Caesium-137      30.2     .0360  Unknown     1       1                     Caesium-136

Output        Output     Hurdle   Capture  Natural   Capture   Production   Hurdle
             Half life  half life                                 rate
               year       year     barn    fraction  fraction  barn*year
Einsteinium-257    .0211  .000048    Unknown                  Unknown      Einsteinium-256
Einsteinium-259    .0180  .000074    Unknown                  Unknown      Einsteinium-258
Fermium-257        .275   .000300    Unknown                  Unknown      Fermium-256

Cooking europium

Subjecting natural europium to neutrons for a short time produces mostly europium-152.

Subjecting natural europium to neutrons for a medium time produces mostly europium-154.

Subjecting natural europium to neutrons for a long time produces 2/3 europium-154 and 1/3 europium-155.

          Half life   Neutron capture  Natural   Energy   Gamma max   Decay
            year           barn        fraction   MeV       MeV

Europium-151    Stable      9100        .478    -         -
Europium-152     13.5      11800       0       1.86      1.408
Europium-153    Stable       312        .522    -         -
Europium-154      8.59      1663       0       1.968     1.274
Europium-155      4.76      3843       0        .252      .147
Europium-156       .0416     100       0
Europium-157       .00174              0

Thulium-169     Stable       105.6     1        -
Thulium-170        .352       87.6     0                  .968     β
Thulium-171       1.91         9.90    0                  .096     β

Promethium-143     .725        3.07    0                           β+
Promethium-144     .994       15.09    0                           β+
Promethium-145   17.7          5.28    0        .164      .072     EC
Promethium-146    5.53         8.41    0       1.495     1.189     EC
Promethium-147    2.623      167.2     0        .224      .224     Β     72 barn to Pm-148m.    82 barns to Pm-148
Promethium-148     .0147               0                           β
Promethium-148m    .113                0                           β

Neodymium-142   Stable        18.7      .272
Neodymium-143   Stable       337        .112
Neodymium-144   Stable         3.6      .238
Neodymium-145   Stable        42        .0829
Neodymium-146   Stable         1.4      .172
Neodymium-147      .0301     142.9     0                           β
Neodymium-148   Stable                  .0575
Neodymium-149      .000194             0                           β
Neodymium-150   Stable                  .0563

Samarium-144    Stable          .7      .0308
Samarium-145       .931      280.3     0        .617      .061     EC
Samarium-146  68000000          .382   0
Samarium-147    Stable        57        .150
Samarium-148    Stable        24        .112
Samarium-149    Stable     42080        .138
Samarium-150    Stable       104        .0737
Samarium-151     90        14070       0
Samarium-152    Stable       206        .267
Samarium-153       .00528              0
Samarium-154    Stable         8.4      .227

Making transuranics

Making transuranics takes many neutrons. Also, fission can halt the process. When going from uranium-238 to californium-251, the fraction of isotopes that make it to californium-251 is .0000151.

There are no hurdles with short half lives until fermium-258, with a half life of .000370 seconds.

The sequence for making transuranics is:

              Half life      Fission    Capture  Capture  Cumulative     Decay
                year          barn       barn    fraction  fraction

Uranium-238  4470000000            .000010    2.68  1        1           α
Plutonium-239     14100         748        1017      .58      .58        α
Plutonium-240      6561            .030     290     1         .58        α
Plutonium-241        14.3       937         363      .28      .16        β
Plutonium-242    373000            .0026     18.5   1         .16        α
Americium-243      7370            .2        75.3   1         .16        α
Curium-244           18.1         1.1        13      .92      .16        α
Curium-245         8500        2161         383      .151     .147       α
Curium-246         4730            .17        1.36   .89      .0222      α
Curium-247     15700000          82          58      .41      .0198      α
Curium-248       340000            .34        2.49   .88      .00811     α
Californium-249     351        1666         483      .22      .00714     α
Californium-250      13.08      112        1701      .94      .00157     α
Californium-251     900        4894        2849      .37      .00148     α
Californium-252       2.64       33.0        20.4    .38      .000546    α
Californium-253        .049    1303          19.95   .0151               β
Californium-254        .166       2.001       4.51   .69                 Fission
Einsteinium-255        .109        .503      55.4   1                    β
Fermium-256            .000300  Unknown   Unknown   Unknown              α
Fermium-257            .275    2951           3.003  .00102              α
Fermium-258            .000370  Unknown   Unknown   Unknown              Fission
Fermium-259           1.5       Unknown   Unknown   Unknown              Fission
Fermium-260            .004     Unknown   Unknown   Unknown              Fission

A neutron could either be captured or it could trigger fission. "Capture fraction" is the fraction of capture events.

"Cumulative fraction' is the product of capture fractions up to the given isotope.

Price of neutrons

Energy per neutron    = E       =       200  MeV/neutron
Neutron mass          = M       =  1.67e-27  kg
Neutron energy/mass   = e = E/M =    1.9e16  Joule/kg
Electricity energy/$  = L       =        30  MJoule/$
Neutron price/kg      = P = e/L =       640  M$/kg

Price of actinides

A neutron can turn uranium-238 into plutonium-239. The energy cost of plutonium-239 is 2.7 M$/kg.

Actinides beyond plutonium take many neutrons to make. It takes 14 neutrons to get from uranium-238 to californium-252.


A calutron separate isotopes with a magnetic field.

Isotope prices and production

Protons              Price/kg       World produce   America stockpile   Natural fraction
                      M$/kg           kg/year            kg

  1  Hydrogen-2               .004       1000000                          .00015
  1  Hydrogen-3             30                10          30             0
  2  Helium-3                1                10          30              .000002
  2  Helium                   .000024   50000000
  3  Lithium                  .000070   36000000
  3  Lithium-6                .06                                         .0759
  4  Beryllium                .00150      425000                                   All beryllium-9
  4  Beryllium-7                                                         0
  5  Boron-10                                                             .20
  6  Carbon-12                .12                                         .989
  6  Carbon-14                                                            .000000000001
 21  Scandium-46
 27  Cobalt-60
 38  Strontium-90             .01
 55  Caesium-137
 63  Europium-152
 63  Europium-154
 77  Iridium-192
 77  Iridium-192m
 84  Polonium-209     50000000
 84  Polonium-210
 88  Radium-226               .1               0          30
 88  Radium-228               .1               0          30
 89  Actinium-227            1
 90  Thorium                  .000290   10000000
 90  Thorium-228
 90  Thorium-229
 90  Thorium-230
 90  Thorium-231
 91  Protactinium-231         .28
 92  Uranium                  .000101   70000000
 92  Uranium-230
 92  Uranium-232
 92  Uranium-233                                        2000
 92  Uranium-235              .1                      480000              .0072
 93  Neptunium-237            .66
 94  Plutonium-238
 94  Plutonium-239           6.5                       80000
 95  Americium-141            .7                          10
 95  Americium-142m
 95  Americium-143            .7                          10
 95  Curium-242                                1          10
 95  Curium-243
 95  Curium-244            185                  .17       10
 95  Curium-245
 95  Curium-246
 95  Curium-247                                             .1
 95  Curium-248         160000                  .0001
 96  Curium-250
 97  Berkelium-249      185000                  .020     N/A
 98  Californium-249    185000                  .0005
 98  Californium-250
 98  Californium-251
 98  Californium-252     60000                  .5       N/A
 99  Einsteinium-253                            .01      N/A
 99  Einsteinium-254                            .000001  N/A
100  Fermium-257


                              Power       Power        Distance
                              Watts       Sun=1       light year

Human civilization, 1800      6.0e11
Human civilization, 1900      1.3e12
Human civilization, 2023      2.0e13
Solar power hitting Earth     1.7e17
Sun                           3.8e26             1            0
Star Sirius                   9.7e27            25.4          8.6
Star Aldebaran                2.0e29           520           65
Star Spica                    7.8e30         20500          280
Star Naos                     3.1e32        813000         1080
Star eta Carine               1.7e33       4600000         7500
Milky Way central region      1  e35                      26000   Stars within 10 light years of the center
Galacy Centaurus A AGN                                 11000000   Nearest active galactic nucleus
Milky Way total               5  e36                          -
Virgo central galaxy          5  e37                   53500000
Quasar Markarian 231          1.4e39                  581000000   Nearest quasar
Quasar Ton 618                4  e40                18200000000   Brightest quasar
Galaxy W2246-0526             1.3e41                12600000000   Brightest galaxy

Exotic isotopes

Pure alpha isotopes

Isotopes that decay by alpha and don't produce betas or gammas have value because they can be around humans. The pure alpha isotopes are:

                 Half life   Power/Mass   Obtainable by
                   year       Watt/kg     neutron transmutation

Fermium-257           .275                     *        Fm257 -> Es253 -> Bk249
Polonium-210          .379   144000            *
Curium-242            .446   124000
Polonium-208         2.898
Curium-244          18.1       2823            *        Cm242 -> Pu240 -> U236
Curium-243          29.1       1885            *        Cm243 -> Pu239 -> U235
Gadolinium-148      75          800
Plutonium-238       87.7        578            *
Polonium-209       125.2                                Po209 -> Pb205 -> Tl205   The electron capture has a half life of 15 Myr
Americium-241      432          114            *

Low neutron capture cross section

A nuclear reactor needs materials with a low neutron capture cross section. Zirconium is the favored structural metal.

         Neutron capture   Natural    Neutron       Density    Atom      Stopping
                           fraction   scatter                 density    power
             barn                      barn          g/cm3

Oxygen            .00028          -
Carbon            .0035           -
Helium            .007            -
Beryllium         .0092           -
Bismuth           .034            -
Neon              .04             -
Magnesium         .063            -
Lead              .171            -
Zirconium         .184            -
Aluminum          .232            -
Hydrogen          .332            -
Niobium          1.15             -
Ruthenium        2.56             -
Molybdenum       2.6              -
Nickel           4.49             -
Platinum        10                -
Osmium          15                -
Tungsten        18.3              -
Tantalum        20.6              -
Hafnium        104                -

Hydrogen-3       0                0           2.178
Helium-4         0                1.000        .961     .145   .036      .036
Carbon-14         .000000310      0           3.152    4.11    .294      .93
Nitrogen-15       .000024          .004       5.293
Beryllium-10      .000100         0           6.291    2.06    .206     1.30
Oxygen-18         .000141          .00205     3.987
Oxygen-16         .000190          .998       4.498
Lead-208          .000230          .524      12.94    11.34    .055      .72
Hydrogen-2        .000550          .000145    4.705
Carbon-13         .00137           .011 
Carbon-12         .00389           .989
Boron-11          .00508           .80
Beryllium-9       .0076           1                    1.85
Zirconium-90      .0107            .514
Magnesium-26      .0382            .110
Lithium-7         .0454
Molybdenum-92     .0614            .146
Ruthenium-106     .146            0
Titanium-50       .179             .0518
Aluminum-27       .231            1
Oxygen-17         .244
Hydrogen-1        .333             .9999     32.81
Chromium-54       .36              .0236
Platinum-196      .72              .253
Iron-58          1.28              .0028
Nickel-64        1.52              .00926
Osmium-192       3.12              .41
Tungsten-183    10.1               .143
Hafnium-180     12.92              .351
Tantalum-181    20.5               .999

Neutron shield
High neutron capture cross section

The best isotope for neutron shielding is gadolinium-157, with a neutron capture cross section of 259000 barns. Natural gadolinium is a mix of isotopes with an overall cross section of 49000 barns.

Elements and isotopes with a high neutron capture cross section are:

          Neutron capture  Price/kg  Quality
              barns          $/kg    barns/$

Gadolinium       49000       29     2450
Samarium          5922       13.6    740
Europium          4600      287       15
Cadmium           2450        2.7   1220
Boron              767        3.7    183
Lithium             70.5     70         .35

Xenon-135      2650000                         Half life = .00104 year
Zirconium-88    861000                         Half life = .228 year
Gadolinium-157  259000
Gadolinium-155   61100
Beryllium-7      56800
Samarium-149     42080
Cadmium-113      30000
Europium-151      9100
Helium-3          5333
Boron-10          3835
Lithium-6          940

Neutron source

Neutrons can be generated by bombarding beryllium-9 with alpha particles.

α + Beryllium-9  → Carbon-12 + Neutron

Gamma source

             Half life   Decay   Gamma energy   Obtainable by neutron transmutation
               year                  MeV

Antimony-124      .165   Beta       2.09                Most gammas are 1.69 MeV. Max 2.09 MeV
Cobalt-60        5.26    Beta       1.33        *
Sodium-22        2.6     Beta+      1.28
Hafnium-178m    31       Gamma       .507       *

Tritium source
Lithium-6 + Neutron  →  Helium-4 + Tritium           Cross section of 940 barns

Medical isotopes

               Half life   Obtainable by
                 year      neutron transmutation

Fluorine-18       .000209
Molybdenum-99     .00752     *      Decays to Technetium-99m, which has a half life of 6.01 hours
Thallium-201      .00832
Iodine-131        .022       *
Iodine-125        .0362
Palladium-103     .0465      *
Strontium-82      .0694             Decays to Rubidium-82
Iridium-192       .202       *
Strontium-89                 *
Samarium-153                 *
Rhenium-186                  *
Lutetium-177                 *
Bismuth-213                  *
Lead-212                     *
Boron-10         Stable    Natural
Gadolinium-157   Stable    Natural

Chain decays
Nuclei exist that decay twice or more. For example, osmium-194 decays to iridium-194 and then to platinum-194.

Some isotopes undergo 5 or 6 alpha decays, such as uranium-232. This is the red line in the plot.

U-232 → Th-228 → Ra-224 → Rn-220 → Po-216 → Pb-212 → Bi-212 → Po-212 → Pb-208

The double-decay nuclei with half lives between 1 month and 100 years are:

                                       1st decay  2nd decay  Total    1st     2nd   Obtainable by neutron transmutation
                                       half life  half life  energy  energy  energy
                                         year       year      MeV     MeV     MeV

Osmium-194    → Ir-194 → Pt-194   6.02     .00022   2.330   .096   2.234  *
Tungsten-188  → Re-188 → Os-188    .191    .00194   2.469   .349   2.120  *
Rhenium-184m  → Re-184 → Os-184    .463    .104     .646    .188    .458  *
Hafnium-172   → Lu-172 → Yb-172   1.87     .0283    1.835   .338   1.497
Fermium-247   → Es-253 → Cm-249    .275    .0560                          *
Rhodium-102m  → Rh-102 → Ru-102   3.742    .567     1.509   .141   1.268
Einstein-254  → Cf-250 → Cm-246    .755  13.3                             *
Titanium-44   → Sc-44  → Ca-44   59.1      .00046   3.798   .146   3.652
Strontium-90  → Y-90   → Zr-90   28.9      .00731   2.826   .546   2.280  *
Iridium-192m  → Ir-192 → Pt-192 241        .202     1.615   .155   1.460  *
Tin-121m      → Sn-121 → Sb-121  43.9      .00308    .396   .0063  .390   *
Argon-42      → K-42   → Ca-42   32.9      .00141   4.124   .599   3.525  *
Silicon-32    → P-32   → S-32   153        .0391    1.919   .21    1.709  *
Germanium-68  → Ga-68  → Zn-68     .742    .000129

High boiling point
The elements with a boiling point larger than 3950 Kelvin are:

              Melt    Boil   Density

Zirconium      2128   4650
Niobium        2750   5017
Molybdenum     2896   4912
Technetium     2430   4538
Ruthenium      2607   4423
Rhodium        2237   3968
Lutetium       1925   3675
Hafnium        2506   4876   13.3
Tantalum       3290   5731   16.7
Tungsten       3695   6203   19.2
Rhenium        3459   5309   21.0
Osmium         3306   5285   22.6
Iridium        2719   4403   22.6
Platinum       2041   4098   21.4
Thorium        2023   5061
Protactinium   1810   4300
Uranium        1405   4404   19.1
Neptunium       912   4447


Curium-240 produces 2 alphas with short half lives and becomes Uranium-232, which has a long half life. Uranium-232 produces an alpha with a long half life and then 5 more alphas with short half lives. It can be used as an alpha rocket, where the first two decays give it a fast launch, and the remaining decays power it for a long time. The decay sequence of Curium-240 is:

              Half life

Curium-240       .0739       Alpha
Plutonium-236   2.858        Alpha
Uranium-232    68.9          Alpha
Thorium-228     1.912        Alpha
Radium-224       .00986      Alpha
Radon-220        .0000018    Alpha
Polonium-216     .000000005  Alpha
Lead-212         .00121      Alpha
Bismuth-212      .00012      Beta
Tellurium-208    .0000057    Alpha
Lead-208       Stable        Beta

Neutron cross sections

Cross sections for fusion neutrons at 14.1 MeV, in millibarns. All columns are fusion neutrons except the last column, which is fast fission neutrons. For fusion neutrons, the usual outcome is for neutrons to be subtracted from the target nucleus.

Thorium is more likely to lose neutrons than uranium.

           (n,2n)  (n,3n)  (n,fission)  (n,inelastic)  (n,G)    (n,2n)

Actinium-227  2170   353            62.8     445        1.119    15.87
Thorium-228   1897    85.8         598       498        1.23      7.39
Thorium-229   1717    92.7         864       346        1.19     33.5
Thorium-230   1856   244           564       424         .96     12.2
Thorium-231   1685   336           658       349        1.21     42.7
Thorium-232   1786   522           361       468        1.14     16.8
Uranium-320    174      .0126     2518       416         .78       .138
Uranium-321     75      .000028   2474       403         .69      2.08
Uranium-322    401      .77       2570       420         .82       .760
Uranium-233    181      .271         1.84    368         .58      1.84
Curium-242     231      .120      2907       359        1.19       .921

Fission energy

The prompt kinetic energy released by fission is:

         Fission energy (MeV)

Actinium        168
Thorium         172
Protactinium    177
Uranium         181
Neptunium       185
Plutonium       189
Americium       195
Curium          198
Berkelium       203
Californium     207

Nuclear island of stability

There is a hypothetical "island of stability" around atomic number 112 where nuclei may be long-term stable. A second island may exist at atomic number 126.

Experiments can only measure the longest-lived isotope up to a proton number of 105, and beyond that we plot theory. Theoretical half lives are uncertain by an order of magnitude.

It's possible that for large nucleon number, larger than around 300, that the nucleus transitions to a lower-energy state, called "Up down quark matter", or "udQM". The existence of udQM is unresolved. Theory is uncertain, and it hasn't been experimentally produced. The largest nucleus that's been produced is oganesson-294, with 118 protons and 294 nucleons. It shows no sign of udQM, so if udQM exists, it's beyond oganesson.

If udQM nuclei exist, they could potentially be long-term stable. They don't fission because it would take the nucleus to a higher-energy state. They decay by alpha until they're too light to be udQM, at which point they fission.

If udQM nuclei exist, then there may exist long-lived elements from Z=140 to way beyond. These are "continental elements".

The largest nucleus that standard nuclei can make has Z=140. Nuclei larger fission instantly. The only way that nuclei with Z>140 can exist is if udQM exists.

In the isotope table, we use experimental data from Wikipedia if it exists, otherwise we use theory from and Nobel gases have a closed shell of electrons, and the shell numbers are called "magic numbers". The magic numbers for electron shells are:

Helium       2
Neon        10
Argon       18
Krypton     36
Xenon       54
Radon       86
Oganesson  118

The magic numbers for neutrons are 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82, 126, 184. The magic numbers for protons are the same as for neutrons, up to 82, and the next proton magic numbers are 114, 126, 154, and 164. Nuclei that are magic for both protons and neutrons are:

             Protons  Neutrons

Helium-4          2      2
Oxygen-16         8      8
Calcium-40       20     20
Calcium-48       20     28
Lead-208         82    126
Flevorium-298   114    184   Undiscovered
Unnamed         126    216   Undiscovered
Unnamed         126    228   Undiscovered
Unnamed         154    308   Undiscovered
Unnamed         164    308   Undiscovered
Unnamed         164    318   Undiscovered
Unnamed         164    406   Undiscovered

The nuclei from helium-4 to lead-208 are stable.

Fermi gas

A Fermi gas with a Fermi energy of 335 neV has a density of 1.39e23 particles/meter3

Fermi number density     =  n = 16π/3 λ-3=      1.39e23  particles/meter3
Fermi wavelength         =  λ            =      4.94e-8  meter
Fermi momentum           =  Q            =     1.34e-26  kg*meter/second
Planck constant          =  h =  Q ℏ     =    6.626e-34  Joule*second
Fermi energy             =  E =  Q2/(2m) =  ℏ2/(2m) (3π2n)2/3
                                         =          335  neV
Neutron mass             =  m            =    1.675e-27  kg


Full list.

                Half life    Heat     Decay  Electron  Elect  Gamma  Form rate  Obtainable    Decay
                                               max      ave    max              by neutron
                  year      Watt/kg    MeV     MeV      MeV    MeV   barn*year  transmute

Neutron               .000027            .782   .782                              *  β          Half life = 879 seconds
Einsteinium-253       .0560                                                       *  α
Tungsten-188          .191    19920      .349                            8.49     *  2β
Californium-254       .166 11200000   207                                 .0102   *  Fission
Iridium-192           .202    77147     1.460                          134        *  β
Scandium-46           .229   460000     2.366   .357  .112  1.121         .38     *  β
Sulfur-35             .239                      .167  .0488                       *  β
Fermium-247           .275                                                        *  α
Tantalum-182          .313    65260     1.814                            4.45     *  β
Tungsten-181          .332    59100     1.732                             .0166   *  EC
Thulium-170           .352    11800      .968   .968         .968       37.2      *  β    M    73% e- .968 MeV. 22% e- .884 MeV & .084 MeV gamma
Polonium-210          .379   139000     5.41   0                          .0089   *  α   M
Calcium-45            .445               .257   .257         .257                 *  β
Curium-242            .446                                                        *  α
Gadolinium-153        .658               .484                .173                 *  EC
Zinc-65               .668    63900     1.352                             .21     *  β+
Einsteinium-254       .755                                                        *  α
Samarium-145          .931                                                        *  EC
Ruthenium-106        1.023    67700     3.584                             .00014  *  2β
Cadmium-109          1.267                                                        *  EC
Thulium-171          1.91                .0965                          30.8      *  β
Caesium-134          2.06     15300     2.059                           21        *  β
Promethium-147       2.6       1200      .224                             .86     *  β
Californium-252      2.64     41400    12.33   0                                  *  α 96.9% (6.12 Mev). Fission 3.09% (207 MeV)
Iron-55              2.74      3140      .231                             .091    *  EC
Thallium-204         3.78                .766                                     *  β
Europium-155         4.76       705      .252                                     *  β
Cobalt-60            5.27     18300     2.82                             1.39     *  β
Promethium-146       5.5                1.495                                     *  EC 66%, e- 34%
Osmium-194           6.02      4313     2.330                             .090    *  2β
Europium-154         8.59      3049     1.968                          216        *  β
Barium-133          10.51       758      .517                             .0049   *  EC
Tritium             12.33      1031      .0186  .0186 .0057             49        *  β
Europium-152        13.5       1858     1.86                          6005        *  β & EC
Californium-250     13.08                                                         *  α
Cadmium-113m        14.1        340      .264                                     *  β
Plutonium-241       14.3       3050     4.90                                      *  β
Promethium-145      17.7        131      .164                                     *  EC
Curium-244          18.1                                                          *  α
Lead-210            22.3       2907     9.100  0                          .00000037 * α
Strontium-90        28.9        460     2.826                             .29     *  β, β    M
Curium-243          29.1
Caesium-137         30.1        583     1.176                                     *  β
Hafnium-178m2       31          930     2.446                                     *  γ
Argon-42            32.9                 .599                                     *  β
Tin-121m            43.9        153      .396                             .088    *  IT, β
Platinum-193        50           17.5    .057                            6.93     *  EC
Plutonium-238       87.7        578     5.59   0                          .125    *  α
Samarium-151        90.0         11.6    .077                           34        *  β
Nickel-63          100.1          5.52   .066   .066  .017   .066        9.96     *  β
Americium-242m     141          725    12.33   0                         5.8      *  2α
Silicon-32         153          804     1.92                             2.22     *  β, β
Iridium-192m2      241           72     1.628                           69        *  β
Argon-39           269                   .566                                     *  β
Californium-249    351                                                            *  α
Americium-241      432.2        114                                               *  α     M
Californium-251    900                                                            *  α
Curium-246        4760                                                            *  α
Carbon-14         5730            3.99   .156   .156  .049                        *  β
Plutonium-240     6561                  5.256                                     *  α
Americium-243     7370                                                            *  α+β
Curium-250        8300          170   148                                 .000019 *  Fission 74%, Alpha 18%, Beta 8%
Curium-245        8500                                                            *  2α+β
Plutonium-239    24110                                                            *  α
Technetium-99   211000             .003  .294                                     *  β
Curium-248      348000                                                            *  α
Plutonium-242   375000                                                            *  α
Beryllium-10   1390000                   .556                                     *  β
Technetium-97  4200000                                                            *  EC
Technetium-98  4200000                                                            *  β
Curium-247    15600000                                                            *  3α+2β
Uranium-236   23420000                                                            *  α
Plutonium-244 81300000                                                            *  3α+2β

Thorium-227           .0512 9194000    36.14                                         5α+2β
Uranium-230           .0554 9280000                                                  6α+2β
Thorium-228          1.912   235000    34.784                                        5α+2β
Radium-228           5.75     90660    40.198                                        5α+4β
Actinium-227        21.8      21600    36.18                                         5α+3β
Uranium-232         68.9       7545    40.79                                         6α+2β
Radium-226        1599          286    34.958                                        5α+4β
Thorium-229       7917           57.7  35.366                                        5α+3β
Protactinium-231 32600           16.2  41.33                                         6α+3β
Thorium-230      75380            6.78 39.728                                        6α+4β
Uranium-233     159200                                                            *  6α+2β
Uranium-234     245500                                                               7α+4β
Neptunium-237  2144000                                                               8α+4β
Curium-247    15600000                                                            *  3α+2β
Uranium-235  703800000                                                            *  7α+4β
Uranium-238 4468000000          .00010 51.771                                     *  8α+6β
Thorium-232 14050000000                47.655                                     *  6α+2β

Mendelevium-260       .076                                                           Fission
Mendelevium-258       .141                                                           α
Beryllium-7           .146  1822000      .547                                        EC
Cobalt-56             .212                                                           β+
Rhenium-184m          .463    16000                                                  IT, β
Thulium-168           .255                                                           β+
Gold-195              .510               .227                .210                    EC
Cobalt-57             .744               .836                .137                    EC
Manganese-54          .855    64400                                                  EC
Vanadium-49           .901               .602                                        EC
Californium-248       .913                                                           α
Einsteinium-252      1.29                      0                                     α, EC
Lutetium-173         1.37                                    .630                    EC
Tantalum-179         1.82               1.060                                        EC
Plutonium-236        2.858                                                           α
Hafnium-172          1.87     11700     1.835                                        EC
Sodium-22            2.6      68700     2.842                                        β+ or EC
Polonium-208         2.99                      0                                     α
Rhodium-101          3.3                                                             EC
Lutetium-174         3.31                                                            β+
Rhodium-102m         3.742                                                           β+
Rhodium-101          4.07      9890     1.980                                        EC
Niobium-93m         16.1                                                             IT
Bismuth-207         31.55               2.397                                        β+
Europium-150        36.9                2.259                                        β+
Titanium-44         59.1       4318     3.798                                        EC, β+
Terbium-157         71.0         11.0    .060                                        β+
Gadolinium-148      75          800            0                                     α
Polonium-209       125.2                       0                                     α
Terbium-158        180                                                               β+
Iridium-192m2      241                                                               IT, β
Holmium-163       4570                                                               EC

Darmstadtium-293    37.7      58900   220                                            β+fission   Theoretical
Darmstadtium-292   133        16700   220                                            α+fission  Theoretical
Copernicium-294    355         6230   220                                            α+fission  Theoretical
Darmstadtium-294   380         5820   220                                            α+fission  Theoretical

Argon-37          .0824                  .814  0                                  *  EC
Argon-39       269                                                                *  β
Argon-42        32.9                                                              *  β
Krypton-85      10.78                                                             *  β
Xenon-127         .0994                  .662  0             .618                 *  EC

                Half life    Heat     Decay  Electron  Elect  Gamma  Form rate  Obtainable    Decay
                                               max      ave    max              by neutron
                  year      Watt/kg    MeV     MeV      MeV    MeV   barn*year  transmute

A neutron has a half life of 610.1 seconds and a decay energy of .782 MeV.

Radioisotopes with low-energy X-rays

Full list.

          Half life   Power/mass   Decay   Gamma    Formation   Obtainable by   Decay
                                   energy   max       rate      neutron
            year       Watt/kg      MeV     MeV     barn*year   transmutation

Nickel-63      100.1        5.52   .017   .017       2.5           *           β
Tritium         12.33     315      .0186  .0186     71             *           β
Rubidium-83       .236             .910   .0322      0                         EC
Arsenic-73        .220             .341   .0534      0                         EC
Terbium-157     71.0       11.0    .060   .054       0                         EC
Samarium-145      .931             .617   .061        .022         *           EC
Tantalum-179     1.82              .110   .065       0                         EC
Promethium-145  17.7      131      .164   .072        .022         *           EC
Samarium-151    90.0       11.6    .077   .077                     *           β
Platinum-193    50         17.5    .057   .076       3.81          *           EC
Cadmium-109      1.26              .216   .088        .57          *           EC
Thulium-171      1.91     606      .096   .096      30.8           *           β
Gadolinium-153    .658             .484   .100                     *           EC
Iron-55          2.74    3140      .231   .126        .36          *           EC
Cobalt-57         .744             .836   .136       0                         EC
Europium-155     4.76     705      .252   .147     312             *           β
Cerium-139        .377             .278   .166                     *           EC
Gadolinium-153    .658             .484   .173                     *           EC
Gold-195          .510             .227   .210                                 EC
Promethium-147   2.6     1200      .224   .224       1.3           *           β
Calcium-45        .445             .257   .257                     *           β
Rhodium-101      3.3     9890      .541   .325       0                         EC 
Europium-149      .255             .692   .328       0                         EC
Barium-133      10.51     758      .517   .384                              *           EC
Tin-121m        43.9      153      .396   .390        .01          *           IT & β
Beryllium-7       .146             .862   .478       0                         EC

Vanadium-49       .901    232      .602   ?          0                         EC

Making uranium from bismuth

Making radium from polonium needs extreme neutron flux. The hurdle is polonium-212 with a half life of 249 nanoseconds. Once you have radium, it's easy to get to thorium.

                    Half life   Neutron capture   Decay
                     second          barn

Bismuth    209    Stable             .0338
Bismuth    210    433000                          e-
Bismuth    211       130                          alpha
Polonium   210  12000000             .00123       alpha
Polonium   211          .516                      alpha
Polonium   212          .000000249                alpha
Polonium   213          .00000365                 alpha
Polonium   214          .000164                   alpha
Polonium   215          .00178                    alpha
Polonium   216          .145                      alpha
Polonium   217         1.47                       alpha 95%, beta 5%
Polonium   218       186                          alpha
Polonium   219       618                          beta 71.8%, alpha 28.2%
Polonium   220        40                          beta
Polonium   221       132                          beta
Polonium   222       546                          beta
Polonium   223         6                          beta
Polonium   224       180                          beta
Polonium   225        10                          beta
Polonium   226        60                          beta
Polonium   227         2                          beta
Astatine   217          .0323                     alpha
Astatine   218         1.27                       alpha
Astatine   219        56                          alpha 97%, beta 3%
Astatine   220       223                          beta 92%, alpha 8%
Astatine   221       138                          beta
Astatine   222        54                          beta
Astatine   223        50                          beta
Astatine   224       150                          beta
Astatine   225         3                          beta
Astatine   226       420                          beta
Astatine   227         5                          beta
Astatine   228        60                          beta
Astatine   229         1                          beta
Radon      225       280                          beta
Radon      226       444                          beta
Radon      227        20.8                        beta
Radon      228        65                          beta
Radon      229        12                          beta
Radon      230         ?                          beta
Radon      231         ?                          beta
Francium   228        38                          beta
Francium   229        50.2                        beta
Francium   230        19.1                        beta
Francium   231        17.6                        beta
Francium   232         5                          beta
Francium   233          .9                        beta
Radium     223    988000                          alpha
Radium     224    314000                          alpha
Radium     225   1290000                          beta
Radium     226      1600 year                     alpha
Radium     227      2550                          beta
Radium     228 182000000                          beta
Radium     229       240                          beta
Radium     230      5580                          beta
Radium     231       103                          beta
Radium     232       250                          beta
Radium     233        30                          beta
Radium     234        30                          beta

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